Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Chinese Head hunters

Right. Finally some painted minis to show you. I managed to base and flock my last unit for the final game against Tim in our club competition. This time, I chose a darker pattern: Black overcoat, and then highlights... I do feel they've been rushed a bit. I wasn't that satisfied of the result. But then, they're done, and ready to fight.  For the bit of History: The reverred emperor had a certain number of captured Qin troops. Instead of killing them, knowing their valor in combat, he decided to give them a second chance. Because of their origin, they took the name of Head Hunters, the Qin being famous for taking the heads of fallen enemies as an act of courage and skill. Will they be up to the task I'm asking for them? You'll see soon enough ;)

Enfin, ma derniere unite chinoise est peinte. Certes elle etait pratiquement terminee depuis un certain temps, mais elles n'ont ete basees qu'hier, en vue de participer a la finale du tournoi interne contre Tim. Je suis parti sur un schema fonce, histoire de tricher un peu: sous-couche noire, puis eclaircissements. Ca fait un peu expeditif, et je trouve qu'elles sont au final un cran au-dessous de ce que j'ai eu l'habitude faire, mais bon, elles sont plus que correctes. Pour la petite histoire: l'empereur, dans sa magnanimite, ne tua pas ses prisionniers Qin, mais, connaissant leur bravoure au combat, leur offrit une seconde chance et autorisa la creation d'une nouvelle unite. LEs hommes prirent le nom de Chasseurs de tetes, en souvenir de leur origine. En effet, les Qin etaient reputes prendre les tetes des ennemis vaincus en temoignage de leur bravoure et de leurs aptitudes. Seront-ils a la hauteur? Vous le saurez tres bientot ;)



  1. A lovely looking unit and interesting history - many thanks.

  2. Yeah, I find with most projects there's a point you hit where getting them finished is more important than how much you like the finished product.

  3. Very nice troops: they should honor the Emperor greatly.

  4. De belles figurines et une anecdote...charmante! Beau boulot!

  5. belle unité et merci pour la petite histoire de cette unité

  6. Your reinforcements look great. That army is pretty big now and according to your unbiased AARs, almost unbeatable on the tabletop!

    Good luck!

  7. Nice looking troops to complete the army. But the big question is - who won? Looking forward to the AAR :)

  8. Very nice Seb, I like the contrasting red coloured pikes, they look very cool.

  9. Hi Seb, apologies for commenting out of the blue. I just wanted to let you know about a competition we're running at BenchVent.com aimed at model makers and figurine painters. In a nutshell all we're asking to enter is to send a picture of your workspace to be in with a chance of winning a desktop paint and fume filter. Please see http://www.benchvent.com/blog/show-us-your-workspace-and-win-an-exagon-r/ for full details. Hope it is something of interest to you and it would be great if you did enter. - Thanks, Scott.
