I'm afraid I will have to stop my little game. Someone... Ok, ?I'll be charitable, two people found the right answer yesterday, and consequently found my new project. So, three cheers for
Apa and
Je crains devoir arreter mon petit jeu. Quelqu'un, ou plutot deux personnes ont trouve la bonne reponse a l'indice d'hier, et de fait ont trouve mon projet a venir. Felicitations donc a Apa et Natholeon.
First, the clues of the day. What is the link between them:
Mais tout d'abord, l'indice du jour. Quel est le lien entre ces deux personnes:
Rhhaaaa, Lucy Lawless |
Karl Liebknecht (not so sexy) |
Yup, you found it: Spartacus. That's right, my next project (I already started it), is a Spartacus army, first for Art de la guerre, and then, when I'll get enough minis, I'll upgrade it to a FOG standard.
Voila, c'est Spartacus. C'est en effet mon prochain projet. Je compte peindre l'armee tout d'abord pour Art de la guerre, puis pour FOG, quand j'aurai assez de figs.
So, what were the answers, then? Quelles etaient donc les reponses?
Well, the first one, Carl Orff: Tamsin was onto something when she said Arthur. And Orff's mother was Paula Koestler. Arthur Koestler. Get it? Ok, it was hard, but then it was the first clue.
Premier indice, Carl Orff. Tamsin etait sur la bonne voie en evoquant Arthur. Sa mere s'appelait Paula Koestler. Arthur Koestler etait la reponse difficle a trouver (niark)
The second one: the vipera ammodytis and red wine. I agreed on Italy, but I could have also accepted Sparta, and...Thracia, land of the Snakes and Dyonisos ;)
Deuxieme indice: la vipere et le vin rouge. J'ai accepte l'Italie bien evidemment, mais j'acceptais egalement Sparte, et la Thrace, pays des serpents et de Dyonisos.
Third one: my native region and some culinary specialties: I wanted you to find oysters and "cagouilles", the local... snails. Right, a famous quote with oysters and snails. Anyone?
Troisieme indice: ma region natale: Il vous fallait trouver les huitres et les "cagouilles", variete locale... d'escargots. Alors? Une citation celebre contenant des huitres et des escargots ;)
Fourth clue: the common link between Pompey, Caesar and Nicias was indeed Crassus. Pompey, Caesar and him had formed the triumvirate, and his life is compared to Nicias' in Plutarch.
Quatrieme indice: le lien entre Pompee, Cesar et Nicias: Crassus. Celui-ci, avec ses deux comperes Pompee et l'ami Jules formerent le triumvirat, et sa vie est comparee a celle de Nicias dans l'oeuvre magnifique de Plutarque.
So, that's is people. Thanks for playing. I sure had fun finding some clues for you to play with. Watch this space for (I hope) some eye candy.
Voila. Merci a vous d'avoir joue le jeu. J'y ai pris beaucoup de plaisir. Gardez un oeil sur ce blog, j'espere que j'aurai de belles choses a vous montrer tres bientot.