Friday 22 March 2013

Sex, Blood and Sand...

Or maybe not, well, maybe not sex... But you never know. The ones I am about to show had a reputation. Ladies often visited them, and sometimes bought their sweat as aphrodisiacs... Right. If I don't shower for a day, I don't think I'll attract anyone, maybe some flies ( I know they like me, I had a few of them around me during my last hike.... no comment please). Anyway, back to the minis (ha ha) and let me present you, ladies' boys! The gladiators!

Bon, il n'y aura peut-être pas de sexe, encore que. Les gars en question avaient quand même une réputation à tenir. Ces dames venaient les voir, et certaines n'hésitaient pas à acheter leur sueur comme aphrodisiaque. Mouais, si je ne me douche pas pendant une journée, je me demande qui je vais attirer à part les mouches ( j'en connais à ce propos quelques-unes très intimement). Bref, revenons à nos éros (non, non pas de faute), et voici donc les gladiateurs!

In Art de la guerre, you can have two such units. To create a dynamic/Hollywood effect, I only painted 14 different gladiators, instead of 16. I also did some conversions, opening some hands, cutting some swords, putting spears... For example, the gladiator jumping from the shield is a Corvus Belli Legionary, whose head was cut off, replaced by another one from Museum. And the one supporting him was originally an Essex bow skirmisher. I cut his weapon off and put a shield, opened his hand and put a spear, cut off the quiver and put a sword handle instead. And his head went off too, replaced by the legionary one ;) All the shiels were hand-painted.

A Art de la guerre, on peut en avoir deux unités, soit 16 figs. J'ai préféré créer un effet plus dynamique, hollywoodien quoi, donc seulement 14 de peintes. En contrepartie, j'ai ouvert des mains, fait de la découpe, mis des lances... Par exemple, l'imbécile en train de s'élancer c********nt vers l'enemi est à l'origine un légionnaire Corvus belli à qui j'ai coupé la tête, remplacée par une tête Museum. Son comparse était à l'origine un tirailleur Essex, à qui j'ai coupé l'arc et le carquois, collé un bouclier, une lance, et la tête Corvus. Pour terminer le tout, tous les boucliers ont été peints à la main.

In addition, I also painted 8 slingers, you know, easy job. Oh, et j'ai aussi peint 8 frondeurs, histoire de me détendre ;)

THe painting comp is now finished, and I ended up at the 19th position out of 47. Not bad, but my objective of  1000 points was not acheived, having only painted a bit more than 780 points. Bah at least I painted some stuff. Thanks again Curt for having managed such a competition. Count me in for next year.


  1. Brilliant work Seb! Love those gladiators (you know, in a platonic, non-'Spartacus' kind of way). I've got a spot reserved for you for the next Challenge.

    1. Thanks Curt. Don't worry, I know what you mean, and thanks for next year ;)

  2. Great work Seb, These are in my top ten from the Challenge!

  3. They're quite beautiful those boys Seb!

  4. These were lovely figures Seb and great work with the conversions. The gladiator jumping off the shield is brilliant :)

    1. Well, it wasn't that hard to do, but thanks Tamsin

  5. De très très belles unités, et un très joli texte aussi, j'aime beaucoup!

  6. Excellent looking group of warriors. Best, Dean

  7. Très beau travail ! Bravo ! Un bien beau projjet !

    1. ouaip, ca detend de faire des trucs originaux ;)

  8. magnifique socle avec une dynamique d'enfer

  9. Vraiment exceptionnel ces scutum

  10. Fabulous Seb, I could be tempted by these; mind you I'm tempted by most things!

    1. Be tempted, my friend. It's good for the soul
