Friday 19 July 2013

Of receiving and visiting

Wow, things move fast. Today, thanks to my wife's company, we'll be visiting 9 different homes. I don't think we'll find the right one immediately, but there's a relief! We now only have to pack our things.

Anyway, first, I received yesterday Lee's prize and I must say I'm very pleased: the Perrys, some extra minis and, Rejects Dice! Yes!  I hope they'll be lucky. Now, i'm still waitinf Feodalfig's parcel, and everything will be ready for the summer.

Bon, les choses vont plus vite que prevu, et je vais visiter une petite dizaine de logements aujourd'hui, le tout organise par la boite de ma femme. Cool, il ne restera plus que les paquets a faire. En parlant de paquets, j'ai recu celui de Lee, et franchement je suis gate. Il ne me reste plus qu'a recuperer celui de Feodalfig, et je serai pare.

On another note, James at Exilespainting, wrote a nice post about what kind of blogger we are. Well, I'm definitely #1, and a bit of #2,#4 and #9, I suppose. I'm very open-minded. Though also a bit of a butterfly too ;)

Enfin, James a ecrit un post a propos du type de blogger que nous pourrions etre. Eh bien, j'avoue etre clairement dans la categorie 1, mais avec un peu de 2, 4 et 9, vu que je ne peins pas trop mal et que j'aime partager ce que je fais.


  1. A pity BigLee is a 10!Always nice to get a prize and a bit extra, I still have fond memories of my gift from yourself!

  2. Nice one Seb, Rejects dice as well!!!!!!

  3. What a great result, everyone loves freebies.

  4. good luck on the house hunt nice pirzes
