The year that was is now finished. And another begins. To be fair with you all, I haven't be as productive as before, nor did I post as much, but I enjoyed reading a lot of your posts, sometimes too much reading, and not enough painting in my opinion, but, c'est la vie. I now have a job since September, and more or less a real place to paint during the evenings.
I haven't painted as much as I wanted during the Christmas holidays, since I had to take care of my little precious. But things should resume shortly. I've already sent my second bonus entry to Curt, a very simple one, but more will follow very soon.
In the mean time, I received some books as presents, and I also indulged myself with a promotion on the Pen and Sword website: 2 ebooks for 1. I chose 6 books, which should keep me busy for a while.
What I received for Christmas |
And everything I bought during the promotion

Finally. A post from Anne made me realize we men might be a bit thick, and to be honest, I do understand her, a lot. So, from now on, no more boobies on any of my posts.