Friday, 29 July 2011

Caius Ludovicus Maximus

It's not technically a break from the painting of the British army. Far from it. In fact, I painted this Roman general from time to time, according to the colours used for the British. The miniatures are from Corvus belli, excpt for the mounted officer, from AB. And I must say this one was ugly. The pose is okay, but I think they should have replaced the mould a certain time ago...

Il ne s'agit pas d'une pause dans la peinture de l'armée britannique. Simplement, lorsque j'attendais que la peinture sèche, j'en profitais pour mettre un peu de couleur sur ce général. Tout simplement, je crois vous l'avoir déjà dit.


  1. Looks fine from here, good work but some companies use moulds for too long and it damages their reputation.

  2. Il a bien raison le monsieur, j'ai eu quelques déconvenues sur des corvus.
    Sinon, tu ne perds pas la main avec l'antique, très chouette ton général.


  3. Gotta agree with The Lurker above, figures look great to me!

  4. Good work, you can never have too many Romans ;)

  5. A very nice looking command unit...

  6. thanks a lot guys. But I'll try to take a closer shot to show you the horror
