Thursday, 20 October 2011

Back, back back to the minis... and blogging

Hi Fellas.
 Well, After more than a month, I'm finally back on the net, thanks to, at last, a decent internet connection. We're slowly settling in the London life, and I must admit I really like this city. I managed to find a club 20 minutes from home, so, though I still don't have a job, everything seems to be rather well. So, from now on, you'll see me more often commenting on your blogs ;) Beer anyone?

Salut à tous. Me revoilà enfin sur le net, prêt à blogger de nouveau. Après un mois et demi, le temps me paraissait un peu long. Certes, je pouvais surfer un peu, mais pas laisser de commentaires, ni réellement partager mes idées, bref, un peu frustrant. La vie suit son cours, et même si je n'ai pas commencé à chercher du travail, j'ai de quoi m'occuper, entre ma fille, le ménage, les courses... J'ai toutefois pu trouver un club sympa à 20 minutes de chez moi, ce qui est parfait! Donc, attendez-vous à me revoir intervenir prochainement sur tous les forums et autres blogs!


  1. I did wonder what happened to you, I thought you'd joined the dead blog club! Good to see you back.

  2. I'll have a Peroni! Good to see you back at the blog, and gaming. Good find for the club round the corner too.


  3. It sounds like good news !
    Content de te lire de nouveau.

  4. I'll have a Stella Artois Cidre, nice one.

  5. Cool, Seb de retour.
    T'as trouvé l'essentiel, un club pour jouer.

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  7. I should have opened a pub instead ^^

    BTW, did I mentionned we were meeting in a pub for games?
