Wednesday 5 December 2012

on my way to a challenge

Right. Curt at Analogue hobbies has launched a painting challenge, which will start on 20th December.

 I've chosen to enter it because I have a lot to paint, and need to keep motivated.
So here are my projects:
-  finish my 15mm TYW army.
-  paint some 15mm medieval stuff, to do a Condotta army.
-  start my new 15mm ancients project
-  maybe paint a couple of 28mm Viking minis.

Curt sur son blog Analogue hobbies a lance un concours de peinture, qui commencera officiellement le 20 decembre.

j'ai decide d'y participer pour entretenir ma motivation et continuer a peindre. Voici donc mes projets:
- terminer mon armee 15mm TYW.
- peindre des complements en medieval pour me faire une armee Condotta.
- commencer un nouveau projet en Antique
- peut-etre peindre quelques Vikings en 28mm.


  1. I'm going to the max.

    7 x 6mm ancients armies
    2 x 6mm samurai armies
    3 x 28mm samurai figures
    1 x German WW2 fleet (about 25 ships)

    Bwah hah hah hah hah hah hah

  2. May your fingers never cramp, and your eyes always stay focused. Have fun!

  3. Courage et ténacité!

  4. Best of luck Sir; I think I might need to increase my list looking at all these!

  5. Très intéressant ce concours, je vais me dépécher de finir mes haqqislam.


    T'as le temps de jouer sinon ?

  6. That is a great target list. I look forward to seeing you grind through it over the next few months.

  7. Good luck Seb. I'll be joining in the fun as well, but my output may be hampered by my fatigue. Still, it's good to have a challenge like this to focus your efforts.

  8. Nice one Seb, I'm looking forward to the challenge myself, not sure what I'm gonna paint up yet though??

  9. Good luck and I'm looking forward to seeing what ancient army you pick!

  10. bonne chance à toi
    toujours bon signe de multiplier les projets
    n'oublie pas de nous monter tout ça

  11. Bonne Chance, look forward to seeing your output

  12. Our swords are crossed. It seems to be a little more open field with Kent not joining in this year. Of course the dark horse Ray is the one we have to watch. I am aiming to beat my 11th place and actual score this year. The score is in my hands, placings well that's up to the rest of you


  13. Good luck, we enjoy seeing you work through your list
    Peace James
    Exiles Painting
