Sunday 29 January 2012

happy 100th and the rats

First of all, this is my 100th post on this blog, hurray for me! Not bad considering I started it last may. So, to celebrate, let me present you the sneaky rats, my new complted skirmisher unit. The brown colour on their vest doesn't seem to be clealry visible, but I've painted three layers on them, trust me! 6 BG down, 4 more to go, and the leaders...

Tout d'abord, petite auto-célébration, car ceci est mon 100e post sur ce blog. Pas mal je dirai. Et j'en profite pour vous dévoiler les "rats sournois". Il s'agit de me seconde unité de tirailleurs. Et si cela ne se voit pas vraiment sur les photos, les vestes ont reçu trois couches de peinture. Foutu APN. Bref, 6 BG finis, encore 4 à faire, et les généraux...


  1. Pour le 200ème post, on attend 6 couches de peinture! Longue vie à ton blog.

  2. The figures are looking good really like the basing!
    Well done on the 100 posts looking forward to the next 100!!

  3. I think some of the visibility / colour issue may be the figs themselves - the crossbows are such a large, dominating feature they tend to obscure mush of the rest of the figure. Happy anniversary!

  4. grrr, you're getting ahead of me again in terms of completed units. Mind you, I am nearly half-way through painting 4 units of bow//spear/sword cavalry, so in a couple of days I'll have overtaken you again :)

    All these crossbows are getting my Sarmatians nervous......

  5. Thanks a lot guys.
    @Phil: e serait possible, surtout si je fais alors du 28mm ;)

    @Tamsin: he he, if only you knew what I have in store for you;)
