Another week, another Saturday. Thanks to Sofie, I present you my paiting table.
Une semaine de plus, et un autre samedi se passe. Grace a Sofie, je vous presente ma table du jour:
Now that is strange! Well, not quite so, since I leave tomorrow for France with my daughter, to spend two weeks with my parents, I had to pack everything I would need: paint, basing gunk, varnish, and lots of minis.
Vi vi, voila qui est etrange. En fait pas tant que ca, car je pars demain en vacances chez mes parents, avec ma pupuce. J'ai donc prepare tout ce dont j'aurai besoin pour m'occuper: peinture, vernis, gel de silicate et figs.
My casualty bonus entry is finished and I have sent the pictures to Curt. So, stay tuned, you'll see them soon enough. My Franco-Indian war British for the BfC project are almost done, just a couple of highlights to do, and then varnish. They're in the blue box. But I've also taken my Character bonus entry figure, my Last stand bonus entry dio, and lots of ACW troups (cavalry, artillerry, infantry and limbers). Once back, hopefully, everything will be painted, and I'll just have to flock them before sending the pics to Curt.
J'ai termine mon bonus pour le challenge de Curt. Ma saynete morts et blesses est envoyee, et vous aurez bientot les photos. De meme, j'ai pratiquement termine les figs pour le BfC, juste quelques eclaircissements a faire. J'ai egalement, dans ma petite boite bleue, mes entrees bonus pour les deux dernieres speciales de Curt. Et bien, plein de guerre de secession.
Cheerio, and see you tomorrow for your favourite Sunday paper !