Tuesday 20 May 2014

Choices of the week #19

Hello everyone.
The sun is finally here, and I'm sure you've been enjoying it. I sure did. Nonetheless, I've read the blogs and managed to write my compilation, though I didn't paint at all. I know I also have a lot of batreps to write.They will come. And sorry for not having published this post yesterday, but I didn't have access to my PC since Saturday.

Salut a tous. D'abord, desole du retard de publication, mais je n'avais pas acces au PC, donc un peu de retard. Et puis, j'ai profite du soleil durant le week-end, car il etait temps. En attendant, je n'ai pas touche une fig, et j'ai du retard egalement sur les batreps. Tout va venir, il faut que je me bouge un peu.

First of all, a special and warm welcome to David F (blog?). He is my 200th follower! Congratulations are in order I think.

Let's start with the WIPs and tutorials.
On Hetairoi wargames, you will find some very nice fire markers:

Then, on Massive Voodoo, you will learn how to create stalagtites and stalagmites:

Scott's been building a what will be an impressive LOTR Moria:

Next, we have some batreps. Not many, but still good reads. First, not really a batreps, more like pictures, but it's from Bloggers for Charity, and you can see the minis I sent, and it's for a good cause. So:

A batrep set during the Spanish Civil war, using Bolt Action:

And another one here:

And now for the eye-candy. Quite a lot of stuff this week, and we'll start with a fantasy theme:
 second post for Hetairoi this week, with some Wendol cavalry in 15mm. 13th Warrior anyone?

Stephane is finally back to the brushes, and is painting some wonderful 15mm stuff, starting with these huorns:

Jonathan has painted some great AB Austrian grenadiers, in 15mm. Not a fan of the basing (too green for me), but the minis are great:

Next, a 10mm  dark ages shieldwall. I now remember why I lke this scale:

Some great 28mm Zulu war units, beautifully laid-out:

I don't like GW's Taurox, but this one is very well executed:

Now a feast for the eyes, 28mm Scots for the battle of Auldearn. Try to count the different tartans:

I hope you like Austrians, because you have more here:

Cisza is painting a lot of peasant pikes for the peasant war in 15mm, and some of them are conversions:

Lou has done a very nice Librarian:


  1. More top picks Seb and I too loved Scott's build.

  2. J'crois être encore plus débordé que toi....j'l'avais laissé passer. Encore un super boulot!
