Sunday, 11 December 2011

Mago, leader of mercenaries

The Carthaginian army is on its way to completion. Today, you'll see my second general, Mago. The mini is from Xyston, from their Spanish range. I liked it a lot and so it became one of the most famous leader of Hannibal.

Mon armée carthaginoise approche de sa fin. Bientôt terminée me direz-vous. C'est exact. Aussi j'ai peint Mago. C'est une fig Xyston de la référence espagnole. C'est une belle pièce et j'ai été motivée pour la peindre.


  1. Just my type of blog, happy to follow yours. Nice looking figures and I have been thinking of Xyston for my command.


  2. Nice looking figures for a command stand. Best, Dean

  3. Very nice!! I like the standard bearer as well a great command stand!

  4. Very nice, good little group, fit together well.

  5. Thanks a lot fellas. I really enjoyed painting Mago.

    @Ian: Xyston is th eway to go. Very easy to paint, beautiful minis...
