Thursday 29 March 2012

Another celebration and a give away

And then Squirry the Squirrel went Ni, Ni, Ni and they went home for tea...
Now, how much for a good hard... Party!

 Thanks to Alex Mayer (blog?), I now have reached the 100 followers milestone, a couple of days after Tamsin, but not that fast. Congratulations and celebrations are in order I suppose. But, to thank you all, I 'll keep to the newly established tradition of a prize draw. 

The first give away will be Anthony Beevor's Stalingrad:

And the second one will also be from AB, Berlin:

Both are excellent books, very well written. So, if you're interested, just say it in the comments. I'll leave this draw pending for one week, until April, 5th. Good luck everyone.

Merci a Alex Meyer qui m'a permis d'atteindre les 100 fideles lecteurs. Merci a vous tous. Et pour feter cela, je cede a la tradition nouvellement etablie de la loterie. En effet, je mets en jeu ces deux livres d'Anthony Beevor. Si vous etes interesses, dites le dans en commentaire, et le 5 avril, je ferai un tirage au sort. Il y aura donc deux gagnants qui recevront leur livre gratuitement. Bonne chance a tous.


  1. Congratulations and don't worry about entering me for the competition as I have both books!

  2. Congrats on the 100! (101 if my eyes don't deceive me)! :)

    *must sort out prizes for my "100 followers" draw

  3. Congrats on the 100 followers Seb, very well deserved!! I'll enter the comp please, I haven't got either book!!

  4. Congrats on the 100,

    Please add me to the draw but if I get the Stalingrad book please draw again as I have that one. I agree it is a good book


    1. THen I'll put you in the draw for the Berlin Book

  5. As I have neither book, I would very much like to be added to the draw. Congrats to you...maybe I will reach the same milestone in a year or three.

  6. congrats too! may i say, my surename will be spell mayer not meyer :-) there are as many spells for the name "mayer" like sandcorns on a beach :-)))
    its a really nice idea to celebrate the followers like you do!!!

  7. Super initiative ;)

    Bonne continuation à toi et super blog !

  8. Félicitations ... Pour ce succès ... :-))

    Anthony Beevor est un auteur qui est plaisant à lire ... Mais si j'ai parcouru Stalingrad ... Je ne connais pas Berlin ! ...

    1. Et un autre nom en competition pour Berlin

  9. Bravo! Belle réussite :)

    Ce sera avec plaisir que je dévorerai Berlin :D



  10. Juste pour le plaisir de te remercier pour ton blog (gratuitement... LOL)
