Tuesday, 20 March 2012

off with me head?

Oh look, shiny metal toys! They look so pretty. I want more! Now!And Finish them! Tchop tchop!

Well, apart from looking for jobs, I'm still painting, and yes my daughter feels better, already... But for how long. So the Romans are nearing completion: they're now waiting for their decals, the varnishing and the final touch-ups. And then, onto a new French unit.

Bon, ma fille va mieux, et je suis a fond dans ma recherche de boulot. Mais je continue toujours a peindre, et les legionnaires sont pratiquement termines. il ne reste plus que les decals, le vernis et les finitions, et hop, je me retourne vers mes Francais.


  1. Hope your daughter stays well for as long as possible and obviously great work....

  2. Looking great!! Kids are always ill, trouble is when they give you the illness and it goes around in circles!! All the best!

  3. Looking really good! Hope the lass's improvement is here to stay

  4. Purée, t'es dans une période BLACK ADDER en ce moment....ça me rappelle plein de bons souvenirs.
