Wednesday, 14 March 2012

On my workbench

Hmmm. I' m now facing two choices: Doing only Romans or beeing weak and paint my  newly arrived French... Well, for once I've been strong. I'll be painting one unit of Romans, and I'll start bits from the French, just to get the feeling, you know ;)

So, First, the Romans: only 4 bases of legionaries remain, so I'll do them. But When Ludo gave them to me, some had their shields already glued on, quite badly I should say, and I couldn't remove them. Darn1. Then, one of them had primed in black, and I don't prime my minis anymore. Darn2. and one of them had a broken pilum, so I drilled in the hand and put a bit of wire. Darn3. Oh, I forgot: they're from the same batch as the others, ie with lots of defaults from the moulds. Darn4...

the black guy already received a layer of chainmail
Then onto my French. I took a blister of AMX10P, the armoured infantry carrier, and based them. No need to clean, they were almost flash-free. Ahhh. at last some good news.

hey, where is the fifth one gone? "Chercher le pinard sergent".

Bon, pour eviter de sombrer dans la monotonie, j'ai decide de mener deux unites en parallele, a savoir les 16 legionnaires restants, meme si je vais avoir du boulot, car franchement, ils ne sont pas en bon etat ( sous couche de m***, desole Ludo, un pilum casse, et des boucliers colles parfois n'importe comment). Et de l'autre, j'ai pris et base un blister d'AMX10P. Et la c'est beau, pratiquement pas de nettoyage a faire. Affaires a suivre.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you need to change what you're painting as it helps with the mojo...
