Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A trek into the 28mm wonderland

Hi everyone.

As you know, I'm tempted to paint 28mm stuff. So, as I've been weak, I've bought many Foundry figures on ebay, and I'm now spainting them, just for fun and to improve my painting. I have to say I'm quite pleased of the result. The minis is not based yet, because I need another one to complete my skirmisher unit.

Et voila, je plonge lentement mais surement dans le monde du 28mm. J'ai achete pas mal de Foundry sur Ebay, et pour me faire la main, je commence a peindre, avec tout d'abord un tirailleur.

I've also decided to support an initiative from different bloggers: they intent to raise money for charities, including one about men cancer. I've asked to paint some minis, and have been accepted. So I should paint a few minis for Muskets and Tomahawks. Stay tuned.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for Wargames, miniatures and terrain news to contact me! I want to send him the painted Gripping Beasts. Otherwise, the lot will go to someone else!

J'ai egalement decide de soutenir une initiative de bloggers: ils desirent recolter de l'argent pour des charites, notamment pour la lutte contre le cancer chez les hommes. Je me suis propose pour peindre des figs, et j'ai ete accepte. Je devrai peindre quelques figs pour leur projet Mousquets et Tomahawks.


  1. Belle entrée dans le monde du 28mm!

  2. Salut Seb,

    très beau boulot! chapeau!


  3. C'est pas mal du tout ça :)

  4. Very nicely done Seb, and well done for getting involved with the charity blog fest.

  5. figure looks fantastic, good to have you aboard the Bloggers for Charity gig.
    Peace James

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