Sunday, 5 May 2013

Happy birthday! Let's start with a crazy week: day 1, Blood Bowl giveaway

Hi everyone.
Today is my birthday! Well, not quite, it's my blog 2nd birthday. And I have to tell you a lot of things happened. I made some friends, did a lot of projects, started lots of them, finished only a few (erm). But one major thing for me is the fact that my reader's profile has changed. Let me explain. Up unitl a couple of days ago, the most numerous readers were from France, as I could expect. But since the past week, the country contributing to the most important hit numbers is... the USA. And the gap is widening every day. Uk is third, still a couple thousands hits behind them.. So, thanks a lot everyone, it means a lot to me.

And to celebrate this, I intend to start a week of craziness, full of giveaways.

Salutations. C'est aujourd'hui mon anniv'. Bon  pas tout a fait, mais c'est plutot celui de mon blog. Voila deux que je suis sur blogspot, et franchement je ne le regrette pas. Certes il y a des bugs, mais j'ai pu connaitre un paquet de bloggers internationaux, j'ai demarre une tonne de porjets, pour en terminer une quantite infime (hum).
Par ailleurs, c'est une etape importante, car depuis quelques jours, le profil de mes lecteurs a change. En effet, jusqu'a il y a peu, mon plus grand nombre de lecteurs venait de France. Ce n'est desormais plus le cas, car environ 25% de mon lectorat est desormais americain. Le Royaume-Uni vient en troisieme position, a quelques milliers de hits derriere la France.

Pour celebrer ce double evenement, j'ai decide de faire une semaine de folie, avec des cadeaux a gagner toute la semaine:

The rules:
1/ You have to be a follower/ regular on my blog.
2/ Simply write a comment in the day's post to tell if you're interested (or not). Your comment will earn you a chance.
3/ For each comment per topic, you'll get another chance.
4/ If you promote my giveaway (I'm such a bitch, but I'm specialized in French kiss ;)), you'll earn five more chances per item.
5/ The results will be given one week after each giveaway.

Right, first giveaway:
4 * 28 miniatures, still in their blisters. The pics are from the manufacturer:

- 1 Benito, from Gaspez miniatures:

- 1 Ulfhedner, from ZN games:

-2 Ice troll from Impact miniatures


  1. Bonjour! Happy blogday and congratulations on two great years of hobby blogging. Please sign me up for the giveaway. I don't play Blood Bowl, so if I win this I'm going to pass it on to Paul of the Man Cave, for his son Right Stuff Riley.

  2. Happy 2nd blog birthday Seb! :)

    If I happen to win this draw, please send the figures to Anne - I'm sure she'd love to get her hands on minis like these for painting :)

    1. Thank you Tamisin. I've been wanting to paint up a Blood Bowl team for a long time and can't afford to buy them.

    2. Wow - this post must have vanished somewhere and then re-appeared. I tried posting last night but kept hitting a glitch and it wasn't here this morning so I posted again

      Anne - I hope I win and you get the figures :)

    3. To be honest, I found it in my spam folder...strange, is it not?

  3. Happy birhday, bon anniversaire.

    Quant aux figus : VDRF, Vade Rétro Figurinas ! :-) (mais elles sont très jolies).

    1. Merci Denis. Et je suis tenté de t'inscrire;)


  4. Congrats on the two year anniversary. Please don't enter me in the giveaway though. I don't play bloodbowl (though did when it first came out)

    Oh I will pimp you good though


    1. Ok, thanks. But I'm sure you'll find something of interest.

  5. I've pimped your nice giveaway on my blog as well!

  6. I'm in will also post on my own blog later on.


  7. Happy Birthday, great blog, you can count me in, love Bloodbowl.

  8. Congrats on the birthday mate. I'll give the prizes a miss. I have enough unpainted lead as it is!

    1. I'm sure you'll find something of interest too.

  9. Happy 2nd Blogday Seb!

    Just wondering if the increase in hits from the US is a post-Salute thing? Did you link to any Salute posts on TMP?

    As for the prize, do enter me for this one but if I win please pass it on to Anne - I reckon she'd enjoy painting these figures up :)

    1. I think she would too. I'm just waiting for her to enter the draw to give her an additional chance ;)

    2. Oh, and you might be right about the post-Salute blogging. I did indeed post on TMP, resulting in a huge increase of hits for a couple of days (around 7K+)


  10. Grande idée !

    et Bonne anniversaire !

  11. Deux ans, u es un petit jeune ^^ Bon anniversaire en tout cas. Tu vas délocaliser ton blog quand tu auras moins de 10% de frenchies :p

  12. Happy Bloggiversary! What the hell I'll put my name in. If I get around to making a post on my blog today I'll pimp yours. I'll come back to post the link.

  13. Bon anniversaire Seb...les Français sont toujours là!!

    1. Yes! et on va les coloniser ces Godons! Euh.. je m'emporte la.

  14. I'll enter too!!!! Nice one Seb, Happy Blog Birthday!!

    1. When there's one, the other follows... ;)

      You're in too Ray

  15. Happy anniversary! I would certainly like to be in on this. I will post a link back to this on my blog as well. I'll come by and give you the link to that so you can verify I've done it.

    Have fun with the give away!

  16. Here's the link to my post

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you Anne. I was waiting for you. Welcome to the draw!

  17. Happy blogiversary! I'd definitely be interested in winning any of these fine figures. Also going to promote it on my blog, Dispatches from the Rim.

  18. Promoting your anniversary celebration on my blog. Here's the link:

  19. Happy 2nd Blogday. I followed Anne's post to here.

    1. Thanks. Do you want to enter the draw?

  20. Happy Bday Blog! Enter me! Very cool blog.

  21. I followed Dux Alan here - Happy Birthday and I pimped you out also!

    cheers Paul

  22. Happy Birthday! No need to enter in the contest for me :)

  23. Non content de rencontrer des bloggers de toutes nationalités, tu as permis aux froggies de suivre tes péripéties en terre angloise !
    Bon anniversaire et longue vie a Back to the minis !

  24. En plus de rencontrer des bloggers de toutes les nationalités, tu as permis aux froggies de suivre tes péripéties en terre angloise !
    Bon anniversaire et longue vie à Back to the Minis ;-)

  25. Happy Anniversary! Count me in for the draw!

  26. Well done and Happy 2nd Birthday blog. May Nuffle be prized for Bllodbowl

  27. Joyeux anniversaire (je voulais quand même poster un petit message sur ton billet d'ouverture de ta semaine "je gâte mes followers"... ;-) )
    Continue à nous en mettre plein les mirettes !

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
