Friday, 31 May 2013

I am a happy man: a new Winner! 100k, skirmisher, gift.... You name it

First of all, I wanted to thank you all, because a few days ago, I discovered I had reached the 100k hits milestone. Whepee! I think my crazy week had something to do with it, so I won't make another giveaway so soon, especially when you have other ones going on: Mike at Trouble at T'Mill, and James from Exiles Wargames

Tout d'abord, je voulais vous remercier, car j'ai franchi la barre des 100k hits il y a quelques jours. Cela fait vraiment plaisir. Je ne ferai pas dans l'immediat de nouveaux cadeaux car la blogosphere est deja bien chargee. En parlant de cadeau, les Gripping Beasts n'ont pas ete reclamees, donc elles ont ete accordees au second sur la liste...

At the same time, the painted Gripping beast bowmen were not claimed, so, I pass them onto the second one in the draw.

Congratulations to Panzerkaput! You've won the bowmen. Contact me at

Now, yesterday evening, I went to the club because Tamsin was hosting a game of X-Wing. I liked it. It's fun, quite fast, and I also managed to play with the Millenium Falcon. Dear me, it's huge. I also gave her her prize and received mine too. My Spartans... I can't say "shiny" because theyre' plastics, but... Shinyyyyyyyy

Enfin, hier, j'ai pu aller au club profiter un peu de mon temps libre, j'ai pu jouer a X-Wing. C'est un jeu plaisant, rapide et j'ai pu jouer avec le Faucon pilote par Chewbacca rhhhhhhh. Tamsin organisant les parties, j'ai pu lui donner son cadeau et j'ai recu le mien. Ben franchement, je sena que je vais m'amuser. Et si vous continuez a lire ce billet, vous remarquerez que j'ai egalement peint une autre fig Foundry ;)

And finally, I also managed to paint during my day-off another skirmisher, from Foundry:


  1. YT-1300s are definitely big beasts. I think I made the right choice going for 4 basic TIEs against it, but kicking myself for that turn when I mis-dialled and banked the wrong way with 2 of them - if I hadn't done that, all 4 would have been shooting at you and I might have got closer to taking the Falcon down.

    Nice painting on the skirmisher and congrats to PK on winning the archers :)

    1. Oh, rats. I forgot to say congrats on the 100k! *facepalm*

  2. Very many congratulations on the Milestone Seb, many more to come I'm sure.

  3. Well deserved Seb and I received my items and I am fecking delighted with all the extras, Ray didn't want anything other than his Venexia stuff, top man!

    1. Well done on the 100k Seb, and thanks very much for the Venexia figures. I didn't get a look-in on the extra's, Fran didn't even tell me about them!!

  4. Congratulations, very well deserved.

  5. Bravo au nouveau gagnant et bravo à toi pour avoir su "fidéliser" tes followers grâce à des figurines variées et toujours bien peintes. Longue vie à Back to the minis !

    (Heureusement, que j'ai pensé à réclamer mon lot car le week-end dernier j'ai fait une partie Guerre de Trente Ans et cela a redoubler mon envie de recevoir ton "petit" cadeaux pour me faire quelques séances de peinture "décrochées" de tout projet à court terme ;-)
    Je t'enverrai un message dès que les auraient reçues et, bien sûr, je posterai un petit billet ;-)

  6. "redoublé" "cadeau" "je les aurai reçues" ! La honte pour un instit (cela illustre bien ce que je dis à mes élèves : "n'allez pas trop vite et relisez-vous !" Heureusement, je ne crois pas qu'ils visitent ton blog... LOL

  7. Congratz on the land mark, skirmisher looks very nice indeed
    Peace James
