Friday, 17 May 2013

Not one, but three today!

Dear me. Your lucky week is about to end. Fortunately, afterwards you can enjoy Tamsin's, who's offering nice stuff for her second day.

Anyway. Today you have the chance to win some shiny stuff from three different lots. My friend Mister Random was kind enough to provide me with three different winners:

Erm. Right. So, who has won the Old Glory Thirty Years War lot:

Congratulations to my French blogging pal, El Frances

Now, for the Venexia Italian Wars lot:

Dear me. it can't be. Not him! Nooooooooo! Fran I'm sorry, but it seems that Ray won something after all.

And finally, who has won the painted minis from Gripping Beast, I wonder....

Well, it's Wargames, News and terrain. Sorry I don't have your name, so I only put your link there ;)

Congratulations to the three of you.
Simply contact me at :

sebastien(dot)gimeno(at)gmail(dotdotdot)com to give me your adress.

REMINDER: only one more day to win the last prize!


  1. Fran will be gutted. Ray wins at least one thing in every give away.

    Congratulations to the winners.

    1. I am gutted, the bollox has so much!

    2. I know, I know. But Mr Random is the law...

    3. Woo Hoo!!!!! Winner winner chicken dinner!

    4. Nice one ray. Guess your positive vibes paid off!

  2. Congrats to the winners!

    and thanks for more pimpage! :)

  3. Congrats to the bravo pour le choix des photos, de bien jolies mousquetaires!

  4. Well done guys, feels good to win don't it


  5. Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Quelle joie ! Merci beaucoup ! Je crois que tu pourras te vanter de m'avoir lancé dans un nouveau projet (ECW/TYW Art de la Guerre) !
    Petite question : Sont-ce les charmantes jeunes filles qui m'apporteront les figurines ? Je préfère poser la question afin de me préparer à croiser ... le fer... avec elles LOL
    Merci encore
