Thursday, 2 May 2013

Because I had to share it

Hi everyone.

I know it's been a while since my last post about minis. I'm still slowly painting up some stuff, including some medieval and ancients units, but so far, nothing really finished. Therefore, nothing to show you. I'm so exhausted at nights that I can barely paint for more than 20 minutes... Anyway, I think I should have something ready in the coming days. But for now, simply enjoy this video my wife showed me yesterday. I'm pretty sure it will brighten your day. Cheers

Salutations amis lecteurs.
Je reconnais et assume ma totale honte sur le manque de posts avec photos de figus. Oui, j'ai honte, et j'en prends acte. De fait, j'ai decide de me retirer de la vie polit.... Oups, desole, mauvais billet d'excuse. J'ai certes peint deux-trois choses, mais rien de termine pour le moment, que ce soit en antique ou en medieval. Chui trop creve en ce moment et j'ai beaucoup de peine a peindre plus de 20minutes par seance... Mais ca va revenir. En attendant, voici une video que ma femme m'a montree hier soir. Si vous comprenez un peu l'Anglais, cela devrait vous faire sourire. Enjoy.


  1. Jon Stewart is a genius. Love the show, and that was a great bit.

  2. Yes, but now we're safe from gun-rampage massacres by postal workers, what are we going to to protect ourselves from the drop-bears ( and bunyips (, I ask you? Who's going to protect the children?!!

    That is brilliant! I hadn't caught up with this. Thanks Seb!

  3. That was bloody brilliant!

  4. That was both bloody funny, and really, really sad...
