Thursday, 30 May 2013

Getting the hand of it, one more 28mm Foundry skirmisher

I learned a few hours ago that there is a gas leak in our building. So National grid has shut everything off, meaninf we don't have any heating, hot water nor cooking fire... Hopefully it will be resolved fast.

This is the second minis from a batch of four. I intend to paint a few skirmishers first, before starting the heavies. So far, I enjoy it, but I must remember to finish my Spartacus army first, or... Anyway. For this second mini, I wanted to add something extra. And if you look closely, you'll see that the slinger has shaved for a few days ;)

Bon, je vais etre un chouia grincheux, mais il va falloir etre philosophe. J'ai appris qu'il y avait une fuite de gaz dans notre immeuble, et par consequent tout a ete coupe: chauffage, eau chaude et meme les plaques de cuisson au gaz. Bref, plus de cuisine, ni de douche chaude. Esperons que cela sera repare rapidement.

En attendant, voici la deuxieme fig de mon groupe de 4 tirailleurs Foundry. J'essaie toujours de m'ameliorer, et cette fois, j'ai tente un truc: la barbe de trois jours. Qu'en pensez-vous?


  1. he seems to not only forgot to shave but put on his pants too :)
    Great work again
    Peace James

  2. Nicely painted. If I had a johnson that big I wouldn't wear pants either.

  3. He may need a brazilian as well?

  4. Joli puis c'est bien de travailler dans des conditions spartiates pour peindre des guerriers, non?

  5. He wants to be careful waving that sword around with no trousers on! Great job again Seb.

  6. Nice painting - I wasn't sure what part your were referring to about the shaving. Best, Dean
