Tuesday, 4 March 2014

After the battle- Carthaginian camp

One of Curt's bonus entries was about casualties. I didn't have to think very long about it, since I had started something apropriate for my Carthaginian army. A few years ago, I decided to paint an Hannibal in Italy army for Art de la guerre. Everything is now painted, except for the camp, which was primed, but never painted. I know, I know. I've played with it many times, and it was never truly completed.

Une des entrees bonus de Curt concernait les morts/blesses... Je n'eus pas a reflechir bien longtemps, car j'avais commence quelque chose d'ideal pour mon armee carthaginoise. Il y a quelques annes, j'ai decide peindre une armee Hannibal en Italie pour Art de la guerre. Tout est desormais peint, a part le camp, qui jusque-la etait sous-couche, mais rien n'etait touche. Il me fallait reparer cette erreur.

Anyway, it was a good opportunity. I went for a dramatic scene, after the battle of Cannae, where thousands of Romans laid dead. Niark niark.
J'ai donc bondi sur l'occasion, et je me suis attele a peindre une scene dramatique, apres la bataille de Cannes, avec plein de morceaux de Romains morts dedans.

I chose mainly minis from Xyston and Freikorps, and added some shields and broken spears.
J'ai surtout utilise des Xyston et Freikorps, en ajoutant des boucliers et javelots casses.

This is what you get: an Iberian scutari dead while trying to get the javelin out of him, a moaning Gaul, and a wounded Roman tribune, trying to escape the two Gauls who are clearly enjoying the game.
Et voila le resultat: un scutari mort en arrachant le javelot fiche dans son corps, un Gaulois en train de pleurer sa mere, et surtout un tribun romain blesse qui essaye de fuir deux Gaulois facetieux.

And, right before leaving, a warm welcome to jon paul Adams.



  1. A very telling and poignant science - wonderfully executed.

    1. Thanks Michael. But yours was far better

  2. Hmmmm, Spartacus Revolt gladiator/slave army, Carthaginians.... something tells me you aren't overly fond of the Romans

    Nice work on these camp bases Seb

  3. Superbe travail, j'aime beaucoup!

  4. vraiment un très bon travail , belle scénette morbide

    1. morbide, morbide, c'est le jeu ma pauvre lucette

  5. j'aime beaucoup
    l'animation et le soclage
    très dynamique l'ensemble

    1. Tout est dans la sobriete, tu comprends.
