Sunday, 23 March 2014

Choices of the week #12

I haven't touched a brush for the past two weeks. Not that I didn't want to paint, I wanted to, but I was always to exhausted after a good day's work. I was so tired I completely neglected to post comments on many blogs. I started to catch on them yesterday. Yup, must be the weather. So, because of that, I didn't finish my last entries for Curt's challenge, which would have scored enough points to reach my goals... Sad. Anyway, back to this week's review. Oh, btw, I prepare a review of JUGULA for next week, I have received the rules ;)

Que dire... Je n'ai pas touche un pinceau depuis deux semaines. Ce n'est pas l'envie qui me manque, je suis juste trop fatigue. J'en ai meme oublie de poster des commentaires sur les blogs. La honte... Du coup, je n'ai pu terminer de peindre ce que je voulais pour challenge de Curt, mais je pense me rattraper rapidement. Et puis, j'ai en preparation une revue de JUGULA. Alors restez connectes.

We'll start with some tutorials, with a very good about making bow string with hair!

Andrew has been painting loads of 1/72 plastics lately, and has started publishing how tos to paint them. Quite interesting, and I'm waiting for the rest. Andrew?

Should you want to start a Napoleonic Prussian army in 1/72, Conrad has listed part of the options here:
Some 28mm Battlefield in the box repainted. Worth it in my opinion:

Adam is still playing his Longstreet campaign, with a twist in favour of the Confederates. Or is it?

A Batrep, in French and English, with lots of pics and gifs, about a British convoy during the American War of Independance:

Now. Not wargame related, but we sure know many of them. J. Womack has listed his 10 best movies from the 80's. Am I that old?

In a galaxy far away, there was a game of X-Wing. Even better, the Empire won!

Next, a wonderful batrep about the boer war. A very nice table, worth a look:

Another very nice table, this time set in a VBCW:

No text on this one. Just pics from the game. But even in a cold war setting, you can see great games. Enjoy:

And finally, a batrep full of camels. So unusual I had to mention it. It's a remake of Lawrence of Arabia. Sort of:

Now, for the minis eye-candy. And we start with a wonderfully painted 20mm Panther. It's a classic, I know, but the weathering is top notch:

Still in the gun area, a Korean multi-barreled gun, in 28mm:

Lots of WW1 Canadians, in 28mm. Always worth a look:

The start of some superb pictures, set during the Sudan campaign, from Dave:

Last week was the final entry for the bonus rounds in Curt's challenge, which I missed, sadly. There were lots of good entries, but I've chosen two, because they're original.
 First, the last moments of the Kid and Butch Cassidy:

And finally, an original end to Gordon's adventure in Khartoum.



  1. More great choices Seb and I'm honoured to be amongst them.

  2. Toujours aussi sympa ce post du je suis honoré aussi!

    1. ben, disons que tu vas devenir un habitue si tu continues a faire des Cr de bataille pareils.

  3. I'm the same way when I get home from work - too tired and too little time left in the day (night); I work Mon-Thu, so get most painting done on Fridays and the weekend. Unless prevented by household chores and such, that is. Best, Dean

    1. Yup. Tired, tired tired. I really want to pick up a brush...
