Friday, 3 February 2012

Ach Teufel! No, TOEFL

Not much painting yesterday, simply because today I'm passing the TOEFL, a certifiacte to see if  I'm proficient enough in English... It'll be the internet version, with a final mark which could be up to 120 points. This far I managed to get 110 points. Which is good, my main weakness being the speaking test, of course. But then, I'm a slow speaker, and having only 60 seconds to answer is short...

Pas vraiment de peinture hier, car je vais passer aujourd'hui le TOEFl, qui est un diplôme prouvant notre capacité à s'exprimer et comprendre la langue de Shakespeare. Ce sera la version internet, avec un total de 120 points. Jusqu'à présent j'ai pu obtenir un score de 110, ce qui est très bon. Ma faiblesse est à l'oral. En fait, on doit répondre à des questions en moins de 60 s, et comme je suis plutôt lent à m'exprimer, c'est short, très short. Mais bon, je ne désespère pas.


  1. Good luck! I've taught TOEFL courses in the past. It's a pretty tough test and can catch teachers out as well :)

  2. Back from the test. Man that was disturbing at times. Fortunately, there were some topics I knew are well, especially in History. So, luckily, I'll get good scores

    1. I knew well... sorry for the f.... mistake. A bit tired I suppose

  3. Hey chief, glad to hear the test went well.

    A revision to my Gauls post - please check before sending in any Tin Soldier orders!

