Monday, 6 February 2012

The leaping Tigers

Hello everyone. I hope the snow wasn't too much of a trouble for you this week-end. Warm and cosy at home, I could manage to do some more painting done, and prepping the other unit. But today , my new unit is on parade: the leaping Tigers:

As I told you, this is a unit of offensive spearmen, so they had to get an "offensive" name. And because I had a Tiger banner from LBMS, well, what better name than tis one? This unit might be one of my major assets ( yes Tamsin, assets). And though Tamsin seems to be ahead of me in terms of painting, I 'm not that far behind now. Ok, I just checked your blog, I'm really falling behind. Darn.

Salut a tous. Deja, desole pour les accents, et autres subtilites de la langue francaise, mais j'ai change de clavier, et je suis loin de connaitre les raccourcis appropries pour basculer en Francais. Bref, j'espere que la neige ne vous aura pas trop embete ce week-end. De mon cote, bien au chaud, j'ai termine cette nouvelle unite, et commence une autre, qui va bientot parader sous vos. En attendant donc, voici les Tigres bondissants, nom qui leur va a ravir je pense, car c'est une unite d'attaque, qui sera un de mes nombreux atouts dans cette league interne. Et si vous avez bien suivis mon blog, ce dont je ne doute pas, cette unite me remet en course face a Tamsin, bien que je sois quand meme bien en retard.


  1. lol Seb! :)

    I'm sure they aren't your only "asset". Another cracking unit for my Sarmatian lancers to ride down, errrm, I mean "for your army" ;)

    (damn - might have to take my lancers as sixes)

  2. Les tigres bondissants! Joli nom, jolies figurines...

  3. Solid work, as always. I've been meaning to ask, what distinguishes "offensive" from normal spear?

    1. In FoG, Offensive Spear get bonuses when charging; Defensive Spear get bonuses when being charged. NB - it depends on who they are charging/being charged by

    2. Huh. So, I take it this is a fairly aggressive army in FoG?

    3. Well, the Chinese army can be whatever you want it to be: offensive, defensive, mobile... You never know what to expect against it ;)

  4. The Tigers look great! I can't wait to read about them in an AAR report!

  5. Thanks everyone, and thanks Tamsin for the info

  6. Looking good, also looking forward to seeing you and Tasmin (and the others) face off in your campaign


  7. Ian - I'm sure Seb and I will try our best to get pics of the battles :)

    Speaking of which, I gather Seb has got his first game of the tournament this evening.........
