Monday 13 February 2012

Chariot WIP log - part 1-

Ok, time to be a bit serious. My game is coming in a few days, so I must keep painting. This time, I'll try a different approach, because I'll paint a whole unit in one time, instead of doing parts of them. So, during the next few days, I'll present you the progress I made. I've started with the preps for my unit of heavy chariots. For me, A Chinese army without any chariots is not a propoer Chinese army. So, my unit will have 4 bases of chariots. As you can see, I've glued everything except the figures, and then PVAed the bases and added sand. They'll dry during the night. Oh, I did a bit of conversion, very light: I added two banner poles to each chariots. They come from my box of North Star wire spears. Good night, folks.

Bon, c'est pas tout de s'amuser, mais mon armee chinoise doit avancer. Je vais m'y prendre autrement, puisque cette fois, je vais peindre une unite d'un seul coup. Ce seront des chariots lourds, car pour moi, une armee chinoise sans chariots n'est pas une armee chinoise. Donc au menu de la soiree, ebarbage, montage, et sablage avec PVA. J'attends que ca seche pour continuer. et j'en ai profite pour ajouter des hampes pour bannieres a chaque chariot. Ces hampes viennent de ma boite de lances North Star. Bonne nuit a vous.


  1. Those are going to look cool when they are finished. Are you going to hand-paint the banners, or use pre-printed ones?

  2. Les figurines sont déjà prometteuses, et l'idée des hampes très sympa...vivement le résultat final!

  3. Looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you. What are the club rules for using unpainted minis? ;-)


  4. @FMboy: I intend to paint the banners
    @ Phil: merci
    @ Ian: I can play with unpainted minis, no mulus points there ;)

  5. Lovely chariots, panzers of the day.....
