Friday 27 April 2012

One more step

Didn't do much yesterday evening, simply because I went to the club and got to play a game of Force on Force. Sorry no pics this time, but I didn't think I'd play. As always, I really like this game, and I might in the near future start my Sci-Fi project again. Anyway. While mini-me was napping ( though a tad short) I managed to get some painting done on my Mirliton. Now all the bases are done. The nest step will be inking and washing, and then highlights and touch-ups.

This guy will be my ref figure to show you the effects of washing/inking over base colours/ bare metal

Je n'ai pas beaucoup hier car je suis alle au club, et je me suis retrouve a jouer une partie de Force on Force, regle que j'apprecie beaucoup. Pas de photos car APN oublie, desole. Je pense ressortir mes figs SF un de ces jours moi. A part ca, j'ai termine de passer les bases sur mes Mirliton. Prochaine etape, wash et encrage. Et pour terminer, eclaircissements et finitions.


  1. Keep it coming Seb, how come you've based them so far to the edges of the bases?

    1. simply because I don't have any sticks, but loads of bases instead. That's it.


  2. Looking good...don't stop!

  3. Good work so far. I love Mirliton figures, great detail at that scale. Will they be four figures per base?

    1. well, for this unit yes, indeed. It'll be a heavy infantry unit, so 4 per base.
