Saturday, 29 September 2012

Out of the mist, they won't miss you

I told you I had prefered painting instead of blogging. It's true and you should see many things during the coming days. But first, let me present you my finished French dragoons. The only thing that was missing was the basing. It is now done, and they're already battle tested. I won't win battles with them, but they're nast if well handled. And for 32 points, they're a bargain.

Je vous avais dit que j'avais prefere peindre plutot que de blogguer. Du coup, vous verrez rapidement une serie de figs que j'ai eu la flemme de photographier jusqu'a present. Voici donc les dragons francais pour la guerre de Trente ans, bases et floques cette fois-ci. J'ai deja eu l'occasion de les engager au feu, et ils sont efficaces. Ils ne gagneront pas de bataille, mais a 32 points l'unite, c'est un must-have, croyez-moi.


Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Back! pissed, but with pics this time



Anyway, back to the pics. Even though I didn't post, I did some painting, and my friend Andy had given me some French Napoleonic cuirassiers to paint for him. Except 2 Old GLory minis, I don't the manufacturer, but they were easy to paint. I think they are for FOG-Napoleonic.

Bref, retour aux figs. Malgre mon absence sur la blogosphere, j'ai continue a peindre, et mon partenaire de jeu Andy m'avait confie il y a quelque temps des cuirassiers francais 1er Empire a peindre. A part 2 Old Glory, je ne connais pas le fabricant, mais elles etaient faciles a peindre. Apparemment, elles sont pour FOG-Napo.