Sunday 31 July 2011

Some more Oranges?

I know it's a bad play on words, but before leaving for London, I finished painting the Orange-Nassau regiment. I also had time to sand the base. I must say I was badly surprised by this ref from Old Glory. Though they say it represents Nassau troups, we don't have any info about the blister composition. And in fact, we don't how many flank companies minis we'll get. And to add another downside, they're not that easy to spot when unprimed. It's only when undercoated that I saw the most part of them were from the flank companies... Damn! Fortunately, a good paint job helped me hide the details... Now time to go to bed, may plane is at 9. AM.

Juste avant de partir pour Londres, j'ai eu le temps de terminer le régiment Orange-Nassau. Je dois dire que je suis déçu du packaging Old Glory, car impossible de savoir combien il y a de figs des compagnies du flanc. Et bien sûr, c'est très dur à deviner quand elles ne sont pas sous-couchées. Ce n'est qu'après le bombage qu'on voit l'erreur, et dans mon cas, la majorité des figs sont des compagnies du flanc... Heureusement qu'une bonne peinture peut tout cacher ^^

Saturday 30 July 2011

London, here I come

I talked about moving in London a few weeks ago. Well, it's now official, I'll be a Londoner from september 1st. Hurray! But before that, I'll spend there a few days to look for a flat for the family, from August 1st to 5th. So, no painting for a few days lads.

Voilà, c'est officiel, je déménage pour Londres, et serai donc londonien à partir du 1er septembre. Mais d'ici là, je vais passer quelques jour du 1er au 5 août pour faire du repérage et la chasse aux apparts. Une nouvelle vie commence.

Friday 29 July 2011

Caius Ludovicus Maximus

It's not technically a break from the painting of the British army. Far from it. In fact, I painted this Roman general from time to time, according to the colours used for the British. The miniatures are from Corvus belli, excpt for the mounted officer, from AB. And I must say this one was ugly. The pose is okay, but I think they should have replaced the mould a certain time ago...

Il ne s'agit pas d'une pause dans la peinture de l'armée britannique. Simplement, lorsque j'attendais que la peinture sèche, j'en profitais pour mettre un peu de couleur sur ce général. Tout simplement, je crois vous l'avoir déjà dit.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Hail Saga!

Oh, how feeble I am. Simply by reading through my favourite blogs, I've finally succombed, and I ordered Hail Caesar. I just received it and what a lovely book. After a first read, I'm not surprised by the rules system, simply because I already played Warmaster Ancients. I think it may be my next favourite rulebook ^^

I also preordered Saga, from Studio Tomahawk. I never see it played, just heard of it... And the guys behind it are French and they're cool. So I went to their website and chose the special offer, with the book, the Viking deal and the dice ^^

Je suis faible, je le sais. J'ai commandé Hail Caesar de Rick Priestley, et je ne suis pas déçu, car déjà adepte du système Warmaster. Et pour ajouter à ma faiblesse, j'ai précommandé Saga chez Alex de Comitatus. J'en ai profité pour prendre le deal Viking avec les dés spéciaux.