Saturday 28 June 2014

Teaser: Coming very soon on this blog

You can see the video of my next series of batreps. Well, at least the teaser, since they're not finished yet...

here is the link:

And here is the movie. Enjoy

Tuesday 17 June 2014

A not so tonic Jin- A FOG practice

Hello everyone. Last Thursday I went to the club for a practice game of FOG-AM. I was available but with no one to play with, and Gordon needed a sparring partner before a competition. He had kindly given me his army list, while I devised something for him to think about. He had decided to play a Jin army, full of nasty armoured cavalry, and crossbow infantry. I chose an Indo-Greek army, with some nellies, lots of cheap bowmen, and some pikey things. Nothing was superior in my army!

 Bonjour a tous! Jeudi dernier je fis une partie de FOG au club. J'etais dispo mais n'avais rien de prevu. Gordon avait besoin d'entrainement en vue d'un tournoi. Je savais qu'il jouerait Jin, et j'avais le choix de l'armee a jouer. Je decidai de lui opposer des Greco-Indiens, avec quelques restrictions. Face a la cavalerie superieur et aux arbaletriers, je combattrais avec des archers et des elephants, avec un peu de trucs qui piquent. Et le tout de qualite moyenne!

Monday 16 June 2014

Choices of the week #23

Ah yes. Father's day. The only day where we are supposed to do nothing but what we like.... Right. I prefer spending some time at work at the moment, simply because there is nothing to do, and I can then paint a bit ;). Unless I watch the games. Well done Les Bleus!

Ah la fete des peres, avec son cortege de cadeaux faits maison... Le seul jour ou theoriquement nous pouvons faire ce que nous voulons... Theoriquement. Perso, je prefere rester au boulot, car au moins je n'ai rien a faire en ce moment , et du coup je peux peindre un peu. Bon ok, je regarde les matchs. Bravo les gars pour hier soir.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Choices of the week #22

Hello everyone.Is summer finally here? Yes, we still have rainy, or should I say stormy, days, but the temperatures are finally bearable. It means more family time for us, and less time for painting, unless you're well organized and manage to get some spare time to prime your minis outside. Lucky you. Anyway, on to the review.

Salut a tous. L'ete arrive enfin, du moins par chez nous. JE sais que les orages grondent en France, parfois violemment. Avec le soleil viennent les sorties en famille, quasi-obligatoires, ce qui signifie moins de peinture pour moi. Enfin, en avant pour la serie.

Monday 2 June 2014

Choices of the week#21

I seem to suffer the common painting blues, meaning I know I want to paint, but I'm not in the mood to do it. Almost every evening, I prepare my desk, but then, put everything back, and go watch the TV or read a book. Damn. It's been like this for a month now. And to make matters worse, my daughter was sick, and then I caught a cold. bugger. Anyway, I still manage to read the blogs and, though I don't comment every time (sorry about that), I keep doing my homework ;)