Monday 31 March 2014

Choices of the week #13

What what what! This review is published on Monday! Indeed it is. After reflexion, I've come to consider the practicality of the Monday post for the review, since it allows me to read a bit more posts, published during the evening/night. So, from now on, The weekly review will be online on Mondays. Cheerio

La vague bleue et le remaniement ne sont  rien en comparaison de ce post. En effet, je change mon habitude, avec desormais la publication de ma revue des blogs les lundis au lieu des dimanche. La raison est simple: je ratais toujours quelques posts que je ne savais ou mettre. Le mal est donc repare.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Paint Table Saturday #7

I'm finally back to the brushes! After many days without the energy to do it, I took the time to prepare everything for some, hopefully regular evening sessions.

So, what do we have today:

This should keep me busy for the week

Reinforcements for my brigade. Just some touch-ups to do.

More reinforcements, but on a early stage

I have an Art de la Guerretournament in a month, and I need to paint some troups

Tuesday 25 March 2014

[Longstreet] ACW- US regulars

What you have here are 31 US regulars in 15mm from Old Glory. Obviously, the references are from the Iron brigade for a simple reason: Sykes was commanding the regulars at Bull Run, and afterwards, when he took command of the soon-to-be Iron brigade, he ordered the men under his command to follow the regulars' regulations.

Qu'avons-nous ici? Tout simplement 31 reguliers appartenant a l'armee federale lors de la bataille de Bull Run. J'ai recupere des references Old Glory en rapport avec l'Iron brigade, tout simplement parce que leurs uniformes sont a l'origine de ceux de l'IB.


I have added a few wounded/ dead in action to represent the unit attacking the Rebs, as they did at Bull Run, before covering the rout. The flags have been downloaded and printed. The blue might be too light, but the varnish seems to have "whitened" it a bit.

Je me suis permis de rajouter quelques pertes par-ci par-la, afin de representer l'unite avancant face aux Confederes, ce qu'ils firent avant de couvrir la debacle de l'Union. Le bleu apparait trop clair, et le vernis semble les avoir eclarcis un peu. Pas grave, car pour le moment, ils sont a la hauteur de leur reputation.

So far, they haven't disappointed me, and fought valiantly, as true regulars would ;)


Sunday 23 March 2014

Choices of the week #12

I haven't touched a brush for the past two weeks. Not that I didn't want to paint, I wanted to, but I was always to exhausted after a good day's work. I was so tired I completely neglected to post comments on many blogs. I started to catch on them yesterday. Yup, must be the weather. So, because of that, I didn't finish my last entries for Curt's challenge, which would have scored enough points to reach my goals... Sad. Anyway, back to this week's review. Oh, btw, I prepare a review of JUGULA for next week, I have received the rules ;)

Que dire... Je n'ai pas touche un pinceau depuis deux semaines. Ce n'est pas l'envie qui me manque, je suis juste trop fatigue. J'en ai meme oublie de poster des commentaires sur les blogs. La honte... Du coup, je n'ai pu terminer de peindre ce que je voulais pour challenge de Curt, mais je pense me rattraper rapidement. Et puis, j'ai en preparation une revue de JUGULA. Alors restez connectes.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Choices of the week #11

Sometimes, they win. The arena is a cruel place
The sun is finally showing its glow, and we can feel its warmth. We, at last, can go outside to prime and varnish our minis. Soon enough, it will be hotter, and the skirts will be shorter... Now wait a minute. Anyway, it's time for our weekly review.

Le soleil pointe le bout de son... rien du tout, c'est une boule de gaz. En tout cas, il fait plus chaud et on en profite. Bientot, la chaleur va s'installer et les jupes vont raccourcir.

Thursday 13 March 2014

[A Bloody Affair] a time of great news- Spring 1862

Here is a new episode of my Longstreet campaign, set during winter camp 1861-1862

Voici un nouvel episode de notre campagne Longstreet, durant le repos hivernal entre 1861 et 1862

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Sgt Steiner-It's James Coburn-not

If you can recall, I had already posted Hptmn Stransky, posing as a villain. Well, it was obvious Sgt Steiner would be a hero. And indeed he is one of my favourite movie characters: a battle-hardened veteran, who doesn't expect anything from anyone. Just doing his job to survive the atrocities and stupidity of the war on the Eastern Front. Betrayed, survived, and finally went into battle laughing... But at what? Stransky or the war?

Honestly, when you're 9, you're fascinated. And indeed James Coburn is one of my favourite actors. The mini is a former Chiltern miniatures, now SHQ. I had told Stransky was bad, but this Steiner doesn't look like Steiner at all. What's with the head? Ah well, I did my best, especially with the vest, which has 4 different layers. I'm trying more blending when painting 28mm.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Choices of the week #10

Ah well. No post yesterday. But it's perfectly understandable, since first I was at work for the day, and, the weather was so nice. It was today too, and frankly, staying indoors was a pain, while the sun was shining. So, out we went. But now, night has fallen, and I can finally go back to my dear blog and chronicle.

Ben voila, pas de post hier, j'ai profite du soleil, du moins quand je ne bossais pas, car j'etais en formation. ET hop, rebelote aujourd'hui, beau soleil, du coup, on est sorti tant qu'on a pu. Mais me revoila.

Thursday 6 March 2014

[A Bloody Affair] The battle of Ravi's road-1861

There! Andy and I have played our first Longstreet campaign game. You'll find the batrep in two parts, first with mock letters/dispatches (for roleplay), and then the pics with notes. Hope you enjoy.
Voilà, enfin un CR! Andy et moi avons joué notre première partie dans la champagne Longstreet. Vous trouverez d'abord le CR version lettres/missives, pour le fluff, puis les photos avec legends. Bonne lecture.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

After the battle- Carthaginian camp

One of Curt's bonus entries was about casualties. I didn't have to think very long about it, since I had started something apropriate for my Carthaginian army. A few years ago, I decided to paint an Hannibal in Italy army for Art de la guerre. Everything is now painted, except for the camp, which was primed, but never painted. I know, I know. I've played with it many times, and it was never truly completed.

Une des entrees bonus de Curt concernait les morts/blesses... Je n'eus pas a reflechir bien longtemps, car j'avais commence quelque chose d'ideal pour mon armee carthaginoise. Il y a quelques annes, j'ai decide peindre une armee Hannibal en Italie pour Art de la guerre. Tout est desormais peint, a part le camp, qui jusque-la etait sous-couche, mais rien n'etait touche. Il me fallait reparer cette erreur.

Anyway, it was a good opportunity. I went for a dramatic scene, after the battle of Cannae, where thousands of Romans laid dead. Niark niark.
J'ai donc bondi sur l'occasion, et je me suis attele a peindre une scene dramatique, apres la bataille de Cannes, avec plein de morceaux de Romains morts dedans.

I chose mainly minis from Xyston and Freikorps, and added some shields and broken spears.
J'ai surtout utilise des Xyston et Freikorps, en ajoutant des boucliers et javelots casses.

This is what you get: an Iberian scutari dead while trying to get the javelin out of him, a moaning Gaul, and a wounded Roman tribune, trying to escape the two Gauls who are clearly enjoying the game.
Et voila le resultat: un scutari mort en arrachant le javelot fiche dans son corps, un Gaulois en train de pleurer sa mere, et surtout un tribun romain blesse qui essaye de fuir deux Gaulois facetieux.

And, right before leaving, a warm welcome to jon paul Adams.


Sunday 2 March 2014

Choices of the week #9

Wow. I'm now entering the third month of this weekly exercise. I quite enjoy itand some of you clearly like it too. Thanks a lot. It's a bit of work, but worth the efforts. I'm back from my holidays, and so are many of you, since we're back to the usual 800-ish posts. But before going back, let us savour this moment. Here we go.

Si on me l'avait dit je ne l'aurais pas cru. J'entame le troisieme mois de cette chronique hebdo, et son succes ne se dement pas. Je suis de retours de vacances et apparemment je ne suis pas le seul, car on est a nouveau a 800 posts. Avant de repartir au boulot demain, je savoure ce moment de relecture de mes articles preferes, et je vous les fais partager. Allons-y.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Saturday Paint Table #6

Pheewww. Barely came back from France, after an uneventful trip with my soon-to-be 4 daughter. I don't feel that exhausted so I'll wet my brushes tonight.

My top priority is my Steiner figure, which I intend to enter for the bonus round in Curt's challenge. It's finished and primed, but not based. It should be done fast enough, so that I can put the finishing touches on my new infantry unit and some artillery. Hu-rrah!