Friday, 19 July 2013

Of receiving and visiting

Wow, things move fast. Today, thanks to my wife's company, we'll be visiting 9 different homes. I don't think we'll find the right one immediately, but there's a relief! We now only have to pack our things.

Anyway, first, I received yesterday Lee's prize and I must say I'm very pleased: the Perrys, some extra minis and, Rejects Dice! Yes!  I hope they'll be lucky. Now, i'm still waitinf Feodalfig's parcel, and everything will be ready for the summer.

Bon, les choses vont plus vite que prevu, et je vais visiter une petite dizaine de logements aujourd'hui, le tout organise par la boite de ma femme. Cool, il ne restera plus que les paquets a faire. En parlant de paquets, j'ai recu celui de Lee, et franchement je suis gate. Il ne me reste plus qu'a recuperer celui de Feodalfig, et je serai pare.

On another note, James at Exilespainting, wrote a nice post about what kind of blogger we are. Well, I'm definitely #1, and a bit of #2,#4 and #9, I suppose. I'm very open-minded. Though also a bit of a butterfly too ;)

Enfin, James a ecrit un post a propos du type de blogger que nous pourrions etre. Eh bien, j'avoue etre clairement dans la categorie 1, mais avec un peu de 2, 4 et 9, vu que je ne peins pas trop mal et que j'aime partager ce que je fais.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Rule Britannia!

Yesterday, I hinted at my new project. Ok, I just said I had a new project in mind. But what will it be? I've more or less always be tempted by the 19th century  wars. Why , I can't say. But, until recently, I never really knew what to game. I finally chose an era which could be practical figures wise, and yes, it involves the British army (come on, I live in London).

Hier, j'ai rapidement evoque mon intention de demarrer un nouveau projet. Pour le moment, c'est juste du virtuel, mais il a le potentiel pour se concretiser. J'ai toujours ete plus ou moins tente par les guerres du 19e siecle, meme si je ne saurai dire pourquoi. Ce n'est toutefois que recemment que j'ai trouve mon bonheur. Il faut que cela soit pratique au niveau fig, et donc cela implique le Royaume-Uni.

Therefore, I've chosen to game the Crimean War! It will be interesting, since I will also do the French forces, whose uniform was more or less similar until 1870... I will need first some sources, and then choose the rules and the scale.

J'ai donc decide de ma lancer dans la guerre de Crimee. Cela promet d'etre interessant, car je compte bien evidemment faire les Francais, dont l'uniforme a assez peu change jusqu'en 1870. Il va donc me falloir travailler avec de la doc, et surtout savoir avec quelle regle jouer et a quelle echelle.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Don't worry, be happy

Oh my. Quite a lot of days have without a post. Well, I have to say, a lot is going on at the moment, and I don't really have anything to show you. Or do I?

First, as everyone of you knows, the heat here in the UK is really debilitating. Indeed our flat s too hot during the evenings to paint. Damn the English weather. Then We've started potty training our daughter... No comment there. But wait,! It's not over! Since we couldn't reach an agreement with our landlord, our lease is not renewed, so we have to find a new home, and pack our stuff before the 31st of August... Yeah well, I really prefer reading a good book instead of painting, and I haven't touched a brush for....Well, when was the last time I published something about my minis?

On the other hand, I really have some good news! First, I learned I had won Lee's million hits giveaway. I will be soon the owner of some nice Perry stuff. Kewl! Oh, I almost forgot: I HAVE FOUND A JOB! I should start in September, I just received the contract and have to sign it. YES!

Oh and I also have a new project, but shhhhh

Ben mon cochon, si je continue a espacer mes publications autant, je pourrai bientot arreter la blogosphere. Heureusement, j'ai une bonne liste d'excuse: 1/ il fait vraiment trop chaud sur Londres et du coup impossible de peindre; 2/ On a commencer a apprendre le pot a notre fille. Je vous passe les details. Et enfin,  3/notre bail arrive a terme et nous n'avons pas reussi a nous mettre d'accord avec le proprio pour les conditions de renouvellement. Du coup, il faut qu'on soit parti d'ici le 31 aout...

Bon, j'ai quand meme de quoi me rejouir: j'ai tout d'abord gagne au tirage organise par Lee pour feter sa millionieme page vue... Yes, des Perry sont en route. Et puis surtout: J'AI TROUVE DU BOULOT! Je viens de recevoir le contrat, que je vais signer, et a priori je commence des debut septembre!

Et pis j'ai prevu de quoi commencer un nouveau projet.