Friday, 3 August 2012

Seleucia invaded! another batrep

Wagoon-Li was wooried. After the sudden demise of his predecessor, he was ordered to invade the rich and powerful kingdom of the Seleucids. Hmm. He knew his opponent, the dreaded infamous general Andy Finkelos was a tough opponent, but then , it was either that, or death by tea and cake. Fortunately for him, the terrain was quite interesting to deploy his army. He had also prived a couple of stakes to protect part of his infantry against the mighty Seleucid cavalry. Yes they were as honorable as little puny worms, but he had to admit they were impressive. And what about the phalanxes, their legionaries. He reread his Sun-Tzu digest and came up with a plan.

Wagoon-Li etait inquiet. La mort aussi soudaine que suspecte de son predecesseur n'etait guere encourageante, surtout qu'on lui avait confie l'invasion du royaume seulecide. Son adversaire, Andy Kinkelos, etait certes repugnant, mais il etait redoutable. Et il n'avait pas le choix. C'etait l'invasion ou la mort par the et gateau. Heuseument pour lui, le terrain etait a son avantage. Il ressortit son abrege de Sun-Tsu pour y piocher des idees de deploiement. il avait equippe une partie de son armee avec des pieux pour contrer la revoltante cavalry seleucide, impressionante, bien qu'a peine plus honorable que de simples vermisseaux. Et que dire des phalanges et des legionnaires?

A strong left wing would push forward towards the weak Seleucid wing, hoping to get the advantage of the terrain. The cavalry would delay on the right, the chariots would move towards the weakest medium infantry, and the infantry with stakes would then move to counter the Revulsing cataphracts. Yes it was a good plan, and he ordered a general advance. May the ancestors be with him!

Son aile gauche, aussi puissante que la crue du fleuve jaune, pousserait en avant vers le flanc seleucide pour s'emparer des terrains. Sa cavalry, aussi insaisissable que le vent, ralentirait a droite, permettant aux reserves de bloquer les cataphractes. Les chariots fonceraient vers l'infanterie moyenne ennemie.


Pathetic though dangerous

Disgusting but dangerous too
Very soon, the troops, confident in their leader, were almost in striking position. Everything seemed to go according to the plan, but some skirmishers had come to charge range of the chariots, who had to charge. "Dim-Sun!" they're now facing the Elite phalanx. I hope everything will be alright for them.

Les troupes confiantes dans le plan, foncerent et furent rapidement en position. Tout allait pour le mieux quant des vermisseux armes d'arcs provoquerent les chariots, les forcant a charger, et les ammenant droit vers une phalange d'elite...

The bolts started to darken the sky, and soon, the first Seleucids, pitiful be they, died... Especially the Elite phalanx who went disrupted after some lucky shots from the chariots. But then... " Spring roll!" The chariots, eager to fight, charged the phalanx head on!... But wait! What's happening? The ancestors be praised! Against all odds, the phalanx broke! They had better run those useless worms! And now the chariots were facing some medium troops with heavy weapons, in the open. Yes, everything was fine!

Les carreaux d'arbalete obscurcissaient deja le ciel et les Seleucides tomberent, surtout dans la phalange de veterans qui en fut ebranlee. LEs chariots, encourages par ce succes, foncerent alors tete baissee vers eux! Les ancetres soient loues! les combats tournerent a leur avantage, et bientot la phalange derouta, ammenant alors les chariots face a l'infanterie moyenne...

On the wings, everything was going according to the plan. On the right, the cavalry was delaying, while the infantry was deploying into position.

On the left, the massive assault was slowing grinding the opponent down, pushing forward, never allowing the Seleucids to make a coordinated attack. At one time, some mounted scums charged the spearmen in the rear, to help the phalanx, but soon both broke, at the loss of the faithful leader Chop Stick. 

Sur les ailes, tout allait pour le mieux, et tout se deroulait comme prevu: a droite les troupes etaient en position, et a gauche un long combat d'attrition tournait a l'avantage de nos vaillantes troupes. Meme la mort du valeureux Chop Stick n'ebranla en rien la confiance de nos troupes.

After a short melee, the chariots were at least free of ennemies, and started to move on their left to help the attack wing getting rid of some legionaries, who were attacked from three sides... Yes they soon disappeared, thus breaking the army, and finally allowing us to parade in the chanting streets of the decadent but so sweet Babylone! 

Apres une courte melee, bien que sanglante, les chariots etaient a nouveau libres et se dirigerent vers l'aile gauche pour assener le coup fatal. Des legionnaires, attaques de toute part, derouterent et ce fut la fin de l'armee seleucide. Le lendemain, nos glorieuse paraderent dans les rues de la decadente mais o combien delicieuse Babylone.

Mais  Wagoon-Li avait peu d'occasion de se rejouir. Une missive lui appris que des rebelles se dirigeaient dans sa direction. Les plaisirs attendraient.

Hurray! it was a total victory, at the loss of only one unit, the unpainted one, who routed only because of shooting. Buggar.

So, number 2894, you won a great victory there. You are now promoted to number 1563. Congratulations. But be careful, I hear some rebels are on their to claim Babylone back. Don't fail me by losing your army, it would be... disappointing.

Yes, Number 1.


  1. Un vrai talent de conteur , ce Seb! Encore un AAR que les générations futures revivront avec plaisir dans quelques siècles...Bravo!

  2. Excellent ce compte rendu , bravo !!
