Thursday, 24 January 2013


Yes fellow readers, I have something to be happy about. As you know, my computer refused to start on Monday. I went to John Lewis, where I had bought it, and, after a quick check, they told me to contact HP for an authorization of repair/exchange. They gace me their UK number, and let me call them (nice) using their phone. The Hp guy told me I would need to call back in front of my PC to check on something. I went back home, replugged the lot, and called back ( less than 1 minute of waiting). I did the check, and he told me my hard-drive had a default, and thus needed to be replaced. Right, how much time would I need to wait then... Well, the Repair center is located... 10 minutes from home by foot! So I went there Tuesday morning, and guess what? I 'm using my computer right now! Yup, 1 day for them to check up on replace the HD! For once, I consider myself lucky, and satisfied with a customer service.

Cheers, and yes thanks John Lewis and HP. I didn't get a refund, but got my PC back, as good as new.
Right, tomorrow, back to the minis ;)

Pour une fois, chers amis lecteurs, j'ai de quoi me rejouir. Vous savez que lundi dernier, mon ordi avait systematiquement refuse de demarrer. Mardi matin, je suis alle chez John Lewis ( ou j'avais achete ladite bete), et la les techniciens, apres un rapide test, m'ont dit de contacter HP pour donner l'autorisation de remplacement/echange. Ils me donnent alors le numero et me laissent utilise leur telephone (sympa, car ce n'est pas gratuit). Apres une minute d'attente, un technicien me dit que je dois rentrer car il y a un test a faire avant confirmation. Je rentre donc, et apres avoir rebranche le bouzin, je rappelle, une minute a peine d'attente, et apres le test, confirmation: mon disque dur a un defaut, et doit etre change. Bon... Je vais devoir attendre combien de temps... Eh bien... le centre de reparation est situe a... 10 minutes a pied de chez moi. Oh puree! J'y vais alors, le depose, et vous savez quoi? Je l'ai recupere hier, 1 jour apres la depose! Pour le coup je suis chanceux, et satisfait d'un service client.

Alors, une fois n'est pas coutume, un toast pour les gars de John Lewis et surtout d'HP. Bon, c'est pas tout ca, mais demain, retour aux figs ;)