Wednesday, 20 March 2013

How to get rid of those ronin

Hi everyone. Sorry for the lack of post this week. I've either been busy working or taking care of my daughter. The poor child has chicken pox.  I still manage to paint a bit for Curt's painting challenge, and here is one of my last entry: the ronin.
They're from Black hat miniatures and were easy to paint (pheww). First, the red one is for Curt. It was the condition to enter the comp.

Bonjour a tous, et desole pour l'absence de post durant la semaine. J'etais plutot occupe, soit par le boulot, soit par ma fille qui est a la maison a cause de la varicelle. J'arrive quand meme a peindre un peu, et voici donc une de mes dernieres entrees pour le concours de peinture de Curt, les ronin. Ce sont des Black hat miniatures, et sont plutot faciles a peindre. La premiere que voici est le prix a payer pour participer.

Next, two more ronin. I had bought a pack of three, so I painted them all. Now the thing is, I don't know what to do with them. If someone has a (decent) proposition, I'm all hears.

Voici les deux autres ronin. Etant vendues par 3, je ne pouvais les laisser non peintes. Le truc, c'est que je ne sais pas quoi en faire, ca ne m'interesse pas. Si quelqu'un a une proposition decente a me faire, pas de probleme. A+


  1. keep them together poor Curt has worked his butt off this year. I will be sending the 2 unpainted ones I got in the pack as like you I have no use for them

  2. Give them to Curt mate, nice work.

  3. Hi Seb,

    very nice work , they are superb!
    how you done them Mate?
    white or black primer?
    inks or thinned paint?



    1. Hi Gilles.
      Skeleton Bone primer, then inks, washes and paint, my usual combo

    2. Hi Seb. Beautiful work.

      Do you mean that you base-coat with inks, shade with washes, and then highlight with paints? If so, I must give it a try. The results are awesome!

    3. Hi Mattias. I primed them with Army Painter skeleton bone, then they were inked or washed. Then I did all the highlights, and sometimes did another wash.

  4. Très joli travail, j'aime beaucoup les deux derniers. Quant au premier, le rouge "varicelle" lui va à ravir...

    1. gna gna gna.

      Merci quand meme pour le compliment

  5. Joli travai!
    sur la première, "varicilée" selon Phil, le travail sur l'arc est magnifique! (entre autre!)

    1. merci *blush*

      Pourtant, rien de bien difficile

    2. vraiment superbe ces figurines !
