Monday, 7 April 2014

Choices of the week#14

My my my. My week has been pretty exhausting, with a very short wee-end, since I worked on Saturday. I have some ACW stuff to finish for my game on Thursday. And after, long live the Greeks! I have to paint more stuff for a tournament, and I don't know if I'll have enough time. Anyway, back to the review!

Ben mes aieux, quelle semaine. PAs mal de boulot, et surtout un court week-end car j;ai bosse samedi. Il me reste des trucs a peindre pour ma prochaine partie de Longstreet jeudi prochain, et ensuite, plein de Grecs en jupette, car je compte participer a un tournoi. Zou.

First of all, we'll start with the batrep, with some ACW stuff. Cedar Mountain 1862 first:

And then, a follow-up of a Longstreet campaign. I'm  not the only one. This time, The Federals have to clear a tree line in 1863. Good luck:

Another campaign, this time more or less set during the War of the Roses:

Phyllion clearly enjoyed himself while playing Dead man's hand, and a Starship Trooper game:

And a playtest of the Quatre-Bras battle, in 6mm by Ian:

Now, the how-to/tutorial part is very slim this week, with only two posts, but quite interesting, about  dark ages wattle fences:

And Loki's one about why we should go plastics, in 20mm. I might, Loki. I might:

So it means that the eye-candy will be there in force. Indeed it is with, for starters, a nice and long  Renaissance wagon train in 28mm:

Some very nice 28mm Chtulhu cultists:

Some delicious 28mm mounted Burgundians:

A modern Angolan platoon, in 15mm. Original, and tempting, too:

3 exquisite Punjab horsemen, by Michael, but then, he had alreay painted the superb Ripper in London scene:

More mounted units, with some oil-painted 28mm bedouins:

And, because it's rare enough to be mentionned: a Narnian army in 15mm. Please take notes if you want to do the same: