Saturday, 23 August 2014

Paint Table Saturday: Iberians

Hello everyone.

I'm still on holidays, for a few more days, and so I try to paint as much as possible before going back to work. This coming Monday, I have planned a game of Art de la Guerre, and I have chosen an Iberian army. I need to paint some figures for the game and I 've started on those Corvus Belli. Hopefully they will be done by Monday.

On a side note, the author of Art de la guerre told me that the English rules should be distributed by North Star, though not officially confirmed at the moment. Hmm, if this goes well, I might umpire a tournament in London...


  1. Hola
    Buenas piezas te as preparado
    estaremos a tentos
    un saludo

  2. Impatient de les voir finis, j'aime beaucoup les Corvus Belli...

  3. Good to see that you're still making great progress Seb.

  4. This post is much helpful for us.thank you..

