Saturday, 13 September 2014

Iberian freedom fighters- Combattants de la liberte iberes

Hello everyone. It's been a busy a week, with the discovery of my new classes, the new but temporary timeschedule, the new colleagues... And the lessons I have to prepare obviously. I have therefore had no time to touch a brush.

I have joined Clint's Play by Blog naval game temporarily, to keep me busy on the internet front.

Bonjour a tous. La semaine fut longue et tres occupee, du fait de mon nouveau travail. Je dois preparer mes cours, mais franchement, ca fait du bien. J'ai rejoint temporairement la partie de Clint via son blog, histoire de couler des navires anglais.

Wargaming wise, I intend to play a bit before the mid-term holidays, because I'd like to enter an Art de la guerre tournament. Speaking of which, here is the cover for the very soon-to-be-released rules:
J'ai egalement l'intention de jouer a ADG pour m'entrainer en vue d'un tournoi. Voici a ce propos la couverture de la prochaine version a venir.

Finally, even if I didn't paint a bit, I took some pictures of my last production batch: Iberian infantry for Ancient Spanish army. All minis are from Corvus Belli.

Et enfin, meme si je n'ai rien peint pour le moment, voici ce que j'avais termine recemment, des Iberes Corvus Belli, pour Art de la guerre: des fantassins moyens, une unite de javeliniers, et un general.

First of, a unit of medium footmen. They can be rated as either impetuous or impact in Art de la guerre, depending on their training, and the period. It's a very useful unit, fast, hard-hitting. I just need to be careful about ennemy cavalry.

Next, we have a unit of javelinmen. This unit is very interesting, because, once again, they're fast, they can shoot, evade, and are the nemesis of the elephants:

And finally, one of the generals. Command is not really good within the army, not a lot of leadership points. Unless you take the Sertorian option.Sertorius was a very good Roman general who rebelled against Sylla's domination.


  1. great miniatures, great painting and lovely basing! :o)

  2. Love the painting and basing! I'd take the Sertorius option myself. Can you take Legionnaires with Sertorius?

    1. Thanks Monty. Yes, you can have up to three cohorts, one being compulsary. At least that was the case in the V2. Now, what will happen with the v3 about to be published?

      Gosh I'm excited.

  3. Superbes unités et des socles très réussis, bravo Seb!

  4. Hola
    Buenas escenas y grades minis
    un saludo

  5. Salut !!

    Un excellent blog, une très belle peinture... Allez hop !! J'ai pris la liberté de référencer ton blog dans les registres de mon Temple :



  6. It's a game that many people like it. I like to see this game very much. It's fun and I have knowledge.


  7. قطاع التعبئة والتغليف من اكثر القطاعات تحقيقاً للارباح الاستثماريه، ولهذا تقدم شركة ماسترتك ماكينات تعبئة سوائل اوتوماتيك مصنعه من الفولاذ القوي لمقاومة الصداء، تمت عملية التصنيع بداخل مصانع شركة ماسترتك تحت اشراف نخبه من صناع ماكينات التعبئة والتغليف، وتقدم شركة ماسترتك ضمان صيانة دورية للماكينة لتحافظ علي كفائتها وجودتها.
