Wednesday, 19 December 2012

D-Day minus 1, getting ready

Between my teaching lessons and my studies in web design (my wife now thinks I'm a complete geek), I managed to finish painting another unit for my TYW army. Don't be disappointed, it's just a warm-up, a lot of minis have been prepped, and I'm ready to rock.
Anyway, today what you can see is the Turenne Cavalry regiment, created by the soon-to-be famous Turenne, during the operations on the Rhine Valley. The minis are from Testudo, and sadly this lot was worse than the previous one. One horseman was completely unusable, and to be complete, I added a dead footman from Old Glory. It is really sad to have such poor moulds, because the minis look really lively, and menacing.

Plus que quelques heures avant le lancement officiel du concours de peinture. Je m'echauffe tranquillement en vous presentant une nouvelle unite de mon armee francaise. Je prends mon temps pour le moment, car je suis occupe, entre mes cours particuliers et mes etudes de web design ( je suis desormais l'archetype du geek selon ma femme). Il s'agit du regiment de cavalerie de Turenne, oui-oui, celui qui va devenir super celebre quelques annees plus tard, qui operait dans la vallee du Rhin. Les figs sont des Testudo, et la j'ai ete encore plus decu que la derniere fois. En effet, un des cavaliers etait tout simplement inutilisable, et j'ai compense en mettant un mort Old Glory ;) C'est vraiment dommage, car les figs sont vraiment belles. Enfin bon.


  1. Those minis do look nice Seb, but a shame about the problems you've had with the castings.

    Good luck with the challenge - I probably won't be doing my first figures for that until after Christmas as I need to finish my current figures.

    1. Good luck to you too. I intend to paint as much as possible before Christmas, before the family come to visit us ;)

  2. Too bad about the quality, because you're right, the animation is top notch.

  3. Great looking figures. Shame about the problems with the moulds

  4. Very nice looking paint on these troops!

  5. Impressive work - and time-management! Best, Dean

    1. time-management? Wow, you're giving me too much credit.


  6. Very nice work Seb. We holidayed in Turenne this spring and found the family history fascinating (the location was gorgeous as well). Looking forward to you first entries to the Challenge.

    1. I never went to Turenne, though I'd love to.

      And my first entry should arrive very soon ;)

  7. Great work Seb! Nice to see some more of your work!

    1. And you're going to see a lot more of them

  8. Vraiment chouettes ces cavaliers! Le trompette et l'officier sont magnifiques. Mais c'est dommage, on voit pas bien le mort...bon, d'accord, je sors...
    Du très beau boulot!
