Friday, 14 December 2012

I am number 38, and more cavalry

Curt's painting competition will start in a few days, and I'm slowly but surely warming up. He decided to ask us for some points objectives. Right, this is a tricky one. Let's first have a look at the scoring system:
6mm foot figure = 1 point
6mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 2 pts
6mm vehicle = 3 

15mm foot figure = 2 
15mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 4 
15mm vehicle = 6 

20mm foot figure = 4 
20mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 8 
20mm vehicle = 12 

28mm foot figure = 5 
28mm mounted figure, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 10 
28mm vehicle = 15 
54mm foot figure = 10 pts
54mm mounted figures, artillery piece or crew served weapon = 20 pts
54mm vehicle, limber, etc. = 30 pts

So, to sum it up:
- if I want to finish my TYW army, I should paint probably around 400points.
- next, my medieval additional units should amount to around 200 points.
- I also have to finish my French modern army in 6mm, maybe 100 points.
- I'd like to paint some more Vikings : between 40 and 100 points
- then if I'm productive, I'll start my Ancients army, maybe 200 points if I'm lucky.
- And of course, at least one Ronin ;)

So, I might be able to achieve a reasonable score of 1000 points, not bad I think.

Meanwhile, I finished basing a new French cavalry unit for my Thirty Years War project. The minis are from Testudo, and to be honest with, I don't like them. Don't get me wrong, they paint well, but there were lots of mould problems (flash and missing parts). Sadly, I have two more units from them... I prefer the Old Glory ones. Ah well.

Si j'en crois le blog de Curt, je suis le numero 38 sur sa liste. Il nous demande de publier un objectif a atteindre, et d'apres le systeme de points et ma liste ci-dessus, vous voyez que je vais essayer d'atteindre les 1000 points. Cela reste ambitieux, attention, surtout que je commence a avoir du travail en temps que web develloper amateur. Enfin passons.

Vous pouvez egalement voir que je viens de terminer une nouvelle unite de cavalerie francaise pour mon projet Guerre de trente ans. Ce sont des Testudo, et franchement je ne les aime pas. Elles sont certes agreables a peindre, cependant, que de problemes de moules! Entre le flash et les parties manquantes... je prefere de loin les cavaliers Old Glory.

Bon, c'est pas tout ca, je me motive pour le concours de peinture. Zoum!


  1. Nice! You are out of the start blocks and running, Sir!!

  2. Bon courage, en tout cas ce qui est fait est superbe!

  3. good target, will watch your progress
    Peace James

  4. très belle réalisation, et bon courage pour la suite

  5. Well you might not like them but you did a great job on them.

    Nice target hope you get to meet it at least.


  6. 1000 points is a great par target!

    ...and you did a super job on the TYW cavalry (sorry to hear that they were a bit of a bear to prepare).

  7. Good luck pour ton challenge ;)
    Ta cavalerie rend super bien mais moi non plus je ne suis pas fan des Testudo que je trouve un peu trop "gnomoïde"... Tu t'en es quand même bien sorti ;)
