Saturday, 28 September 2013

Tommy's dressed for war: my British para test

I managed to finish painting my test mini for Feodalfig. I quite like the way I did it. I listened to your advices and looked on the internet too. To be honest, it was quite easy. As soon as I have enough time, I'll post the recipe/ colours I used: I've started writing down my combinations in a file simply called " Seb's cookbook". If you like this mini, tell me and I'll post my palette. Hmm, after having seen those pics, I've found a few mistakes. Damned!


Et voila. J'ai reussi a trouver le temps pour terminer la fig test pour le cadeau de Feodalfig. J'espere que cela vous satisfait. J'ai bien ecoute vos conseils et farfouille le net pour me creer ma palette perso. Si cela vous tente, je mettrai en ligne mes couleurs choisies. Bon, je vais avouer que les gros plans mettent en evidence les defauts.


Tuesday, 24 September 2013

I ain't tellin' ya 'tis a long way...

First of, all I'll do a bit a pimping for Anne, who's hosting a giveaway. Cheers Anne, I really need some books to read ;)

I have to admit I'm becoming more and more of a magpie. After having read quite a bit on the internet about Sam Mustafa's new rules, Longstreet, I finally decided to take the plunge at them and bought the bundle from Northstar.

I've already started reading them, and I  like what I see, so far. I now know I have to paint an army for the Grand campaign, and I also know the guys at CLWC will start a grand campaign. Yes! In order to keep the motivation up, I've already randomly picked two biography cards:

My first one is the artillery officer, nice
Now back to tha painting, and I really hope to finish painting my Tommy ;)

Bon, deja que je me sentais faible, ce post n'ameliore pas les choses. En effet, cela faisait longtemps que le lorgnais sur les nouvelles regles de Sam Mustafa. Eh bien evidemment, certains d'entre vous, de par leur emulation respectives, ont fini par me faire craquer. Hop, petite commande chez Northstar, et hop, me voila avec de quoi lire et m'amuser. Ce que j'ai lu me convient tout a fait pour le moment, et j'envisage de me monter une armee pour la grande campagne. Et pour feter ca, j'ai tire aleatoirement deux cartes de bio.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Tommy gets dressed, part 1: British para WIP

Finally, after two months, the brushes found the way back to my hand, and I started painting my brave Tommy, the test figure. So far, a bit of wash, some paint, and I've started on some highlights before doing the camo.

I've also changed the layout of my blog, dropping the dynamic view, which was a bit of a pain to be honest. Maybe someday. And to finish this short post, a bit of pimping for a friend's blog, Olivier ( just click here). I know, I know, he's French too, but he can speak and write English as well, so if you come and drop a line, he might start writing in English. What such pimping? He's made a good article on how to produce your own flock, and he has also started the board for the battle of Hastenbeck. Sounds and looks promising guys.

Bon, je crois que je suis reparti. J'ai reussi a peindre un peu Tommy, en lui donnant quelques couleurs, avec 2-3 eclaircissements. Je fais le facile avant le camo ;) 
J'ai egalement change l'apparence de mon blog, redevenu plus classique, car bon, le dynamic view, c'est par encore ca. Peut-etre plus tard. 
J'en profite egalement pour faire de la pub pour le blog d'un pote, Olivier, qui je pense risque de meriter le detour. Il est certes recent, mais on y trouve deja un tuto pour faire son flocage, et surtout le journal de fabrication du plateau pour reconstituer la bataille d'Hastenbeck.


Friday, 13 September 2013

Back to the brushes? and a test

I still don't know precisely when I'll be working during the week, since the time tables have not been finished (grr), but I think I got used to my new job, provided I can be resilient enough to stay seated in a chair less then 45min a day ;)

Anyway. I've decided to start painting again, and, though I know I have some pending projects, I wanted to give a go at feodalfig's minis. Therefore, I've primed a test mini, which will be painted to know if it looks good or not. Painting camo in 28mm will be a good challenge.

Ladies and gents, here is Tommy

Now for the test. Big Lee seems to be dice cursed and proved it on his blogRay and Postie had a go too . So I tried it too and here are the results:

10 d20: average= 15.4 
10 d10: average= 5.2 (bof)
10 D6: average= 4.1.

So, if I don't use any d10, I should be more than ok, and yes, Lee seem sto be cursed.

Bon, meme si je ne connais toujours pas mon emploi du temps, au moins je m'habitue a mon nouveau boulot. Le plus dur est de rester assis 45min max par jour... Je sens que la rentree commence a me faire du bien, et j'ai decide de reprendre les pinceaux. Oui, j'ai des projets en cours, mais pour changer, j'ai attaque les figs de Feodalfig. D'abord une fig test, puis le reste du lot. Peindre des camo anglais va me changer.

Et comme vous avez pu le voir ci-dessus, Lee semble etre maudit par les des. Au point d'avoir fait le test moi-meme. Les resultats sont corrects ( voire mieux avec les d20). Et vous?

Saturday, 7 September 2013

That is not dead which can eternal lie


Nearly two months without any updates. As you can now see, I'm not dead. Far from it. But after my August holidays without the net, we moved from Central London to Ealing because our daughter has just started school.... Hooray. And I've also started my new job this week, with frantic hours: I should work 16h per week on average, but I've done 36! Everything should be back to normal next week. Hopefully.

As soon as I have time, I'll start painting again, and I should also change the layout of the blog. Dynamic view is not what I expected ;)

See you very soon, so watch this space.
