First of, all I'll do a bit a pimping for
Anne, who's hosting a giveaway. Cheers Anne, I really need some books to read ;)
I have to admit I'm becoming more and more of a magpie. After having read quite a bit on the internet about Sam Mustafa's new rules, Longstreet, I finally decided to take the plunge at them and bought the bundle from Northstar.
I've already started reading them, and I like what I see, so far. I now know I have to paint an army for the Grand campaign, and I also know the guys at CLWC will start a grand campaign. Yes! In order to keep the motivation up, I've already randomly picked two biography cards:
My first one is the artillery officer, nice |
Now back to tha painting, and I really hope to finish painting my Tommy ;)
Bon, deja que je me sentais faible, ce post n'ameliore pas les choses. En effet, cela faisait longtemps que le lorgnais sur les nouvelles regles de Sam Mustafa. Eh bien evidemment, certains d'entre vous, de par leur emulation respectives, ont fini par me faire craquer. Hop, petite commande chez Northstar, et hop, me voila avec de quoi lire et m'amuser. Ce que j'ai lu me convient tout a fait pour le moment, et j'envisage de me monter une armee pour la grande campagne. Et pour feter ca, j'ai tire aleatoirement deux cartes de bio.