Friday, 13 September 2013

Back to the brushes? and a test

I still don't know precisely when I'll be working during the week, since the time tables have not been finished (grr), but I think I got used to my new job, provided I can be resilient enough to stay seated in a chair less then 45min a day ;)

Anyway. I've decided to start painting again, and, though I know I have some pending projects, I wanted to give a go at feodalfig's minis. Therefore, I've primed a test mini, which will be painted to know if it looks good or not. Painting camo in 28mm will be a good challenge.

Ladies and gents, here is Tommy

Now for the test. Big Lee seems to be dice cursed and proved it on his blogRay and Postie had a go too . So I tried it too and here are the results:

10 d20: average= 15.4 
10 d10: average= 5.2 (bof)
10 D6: average= 4.1.

So, if I don't use any d10, I should be more than ok, and yes, Lee seem sto be cursed.

Bon, meme si je ne connais toujours pas mon emploi du temps, au moins je m'habitue a mon nouveau boulot. Le plus dur est de rester assis 45min max par jour... Je sens que la rentree commence a me faire du bien, et j'ai decide de reprendre les pinceaux. Oui, j'ai des projets en cours, mais pour changer, j'ai attaque les figs de Feodalfig. D'abord une fig test, puis le reste du lot. Peindre des camo anglais va me changer.

Et comme vous avez pu le voir ci-dessus, Lee semble etre maudit par les des. Au point d'avoir fait le test moi-meme. Les resultats sont corrects ( voire mieux avec les d20). Et vous?


  1. I have heard tales of woe regarding Lee's curse. He needs to go to Ireland and kiss our Blarney stone to change that:)

    Good luck with painting the cammo!!

  2. Jolies jolies moyennes!

    1. c'est vrai que je suis assez content, surtout pour le d20 ;)

  3. j'attends de voir la peinture du camouflage

  4. hmm strange. But I'll change the layout

  5. Will follow with interest.

    Just given up for the night, 6mm horse furniture on 4 regiments is not fun


  6. Oh la classe !!

    Super prend ton temps !
