Sunday, 15 September 2013

Tommy gets dressed, part 1: British para WIP

Finally, after two months, the brushes found the way back to my hand, and I started painting my brave Tommy, the test figure. So far, a bit of wash, some paint, and I've started on some highlights before doing the camo.

I've also changed the layout of my blog, dropping the dynamic view, which was a bit of a pain to be honest. Maybe someday. And to finish this short post, a bit of pimping for a friend's blog, Olivier ( just click here). I know, I know, he's French too, but he can speak and write English as well, so if you come and drop a line, he might start writing in English. What such pimping? He's made a good article on how to produce your own flock, and he has also started the board for the battle of Hastenbeck. Sounds and looks promising guys.

Bon, je crois que je suis reparti. J'ai reussi a peindre un peu Tommy, en lui donnant quelques couleurs, avec 2-3 eclaircissements. Je fais le facile avant le camo ;) 
J'ai egalement change l'apparence de mon blog, redevenu plus classique, car bon, le dynamic view, c'est par encore ca. Peut-etre plus tard. 
J'en profite egalement pour faire de la pub pour le blog d'un pote, Olivier, qui je pense risque de meriter le detour. Il est certes recent, mais on y trouve deja un tuto pour faire son flocage, et surtout le journal de fabrication du plateau pour reconstituer la bataille d'Hastenbeck.



  1. Looking good so far, but the beret should be a more wine-coloured red (maroon to be exact).

    I'll see if I can find the paint scheme I used for the Paras I painted for Dux last year and send it to you.

  2. welcome back looking good so far just as Tamsin says the Beret needs calming down.
    Peace James
    BTW if you have GW paints Scab red is good

  3. Joli travail pour ce joli lien, belle palette de couleurs et de conseils...

  4. Good to see you painting again and thanks for changing from Dynamic view as I can now read and comment on your posts again!

  5. Looking good Seb and the new blog look too!

  6. c'est un bon début , attention au camouflage difficile excercice

  7. Salut Seb,

    bon courage pour le camo du Denison smoke, tu peux essayer le Khorne red de GW pour la couleur du béret anglais et merci pour la modif de présentation de ton blog;


