Tuesday, 24 September 2013

I ain't tellin' ya 'tis a long way...

First of, all I'll do a bit a pimping for Anne, who's hosting a giveaway. Cheers Anne, I really need some books to read ;)

I have to admit I'm becoming more and more of a magpie. After having read quite a bit on the internet about Sam Mustafa's new rules, Longstreet, I finally decided to take the plunge at them and bought the bundle from Northstar.

I've already started reading them, and I  like what I see, so far. I now know I have to paint an army for the Grand campaign, and I also know the guys at CLWC will start a grand campaign. Yes! In order to keep the motivation up, I've already randomly picked two biography cards:

My first one is the artillery officer, nice
Now back to tha painting, and I really hope to finish painting my Tommy ;)

Bon, deja que je me sentais faible, ce post n'ameliore pas les choses. En effet, cela faisait longtemps que le lorgnais sur les nouvelles regles de Sam Mustafa. Eh bien evidemment, certains d'entre vous, de par leur emulation respectives, ont fini par me faire craquer. Hop, petite commande chez Northstar, et hop, me voila avec de quoi lire et m'amuser. Ce que j'ai lu me convient tout a fait pour le moment, et j'envisage de me monter une armee pour la grande campagne. Et pour feter ca, j'ai tire aleatoirement deux cartes de bio.


  1. We are just about to start a campaign at the Falkirk club with 12 participants - should be good. I will report how it goes on the Lead Warrior blog

  2. This one is on it's way to me right now. Can't wait! The card aspect really made Maurice shine so I'm thinking Longstreet will rock it as well.

  3. Alléchant...on attend avec impatience la suite...et des rapports de bataille...

    1. Oh la! Il va d'abord falloir m'acheter des figs, les peindre...

    2. Le compte à rebours a commencé...maintenant qu'on a vu le menu...

  4. You see rule books really are expensive


    1. Are they? If you choose carefully, you should be ok;)

  5. Looks intriguing. I love playing ACW but I've not (yet) commited to buying and painting an army. Maybe one day!

    1. Hmmm. Lee, I think you should fing new dice first...

  6. Cette règle me fait de l'oeil aussi... Vais-je craquer ???

  7. We always like something to read, let us know how they do read Seb!
