Alright, sorry for the slight delay, friends, but I was a bit busy, partly because I found some new job offers, mainly as a translator or PA in French. fingers crossed. Back to the battle now.
On the right, general Wagoon-Li steadily moved forward, trying to apply the famous quotes from his Sun-Tzu digest, and sent his crossbows in the field against the cavalry, while his cavalry went ahead skirmishing the hoplite line, waiting for the heavy infantry to arrive and strike the decisive blow.
Desole pour le petit delai, mais j'ai peut-etre de nouvelles opportunites de job, alors j'ai retarde le tout. Sur la doite, general Wagoon-Liavanca tout droit, suivant les citations de son abrege de Sun-Tsu, protegeant ses arbaletriers dans le champ, envoyant sa cavalerie tirailler et courvir l'avance de l'infanterie face aux hoplites.
On the left, general Bulitishu Lailu-wei decided to to try a new tactic, devised by a foreign adviser, a certain Custer. So he rushed fast towards the fields, only to discover the ambushes were... a mere smoke screen, apart from some skirmishers. After the initial exchanges of fire, things were looking good there too. And moreover, his "heavy" cavalry was succesfully skirmishing the hoplite line and the Syracusan medium cavalry too.
Sur la gauche, le general Bulitishu Lailu-wei suivit les conseils d'un etranger de passage, un certain Custer, et fonca droit devant, sus a l'embuscade, qui se revela vierge de tout ennemi, a part des tirailleurs, qu'il massacra allegrement. Tout se passait bien, ses troupes etaient en position pour frapper le gros de l'ennemi.
But then, the mighty and honorable general in chief Yolo-Suta felt a chill along his spine. "Dim-Sun and Chop-Suey!" The despicable barbarians were actually attempting to flank him! And Bulitishu Lailu-wei would be caught unaware. He took personal command of the chariots reserve and hurried to the threatened left, while sending messenger to warn his foolish general. Would everything be ready for the oncoming ennemy?
Suddenly, like a thunderstorm, hairy barbarians ran forward our Chinese lines: Gauls and Thracians, the scum of this Earth, no more worthy of living than dung beetles. Yolo-Suta was as ready as he could be, and ordered his chariots to charge the javelinmen, while Bulitishu Lailu-wei's crossbows started shooting... But what was happening on the other side of the battlefield?
Mais le general en chef, le venerable et honorable Yolo-Suta, sentit un frisson parcourir son echine. "Dim-Sun et Chop-Suey!" Les meprisables barbares etaient en train de l'attaquer de flanc avec un corps entier! et son imbecile de general etait droit sur leur route. Il prit alors le commandement de la reserve de chariots pour proteger l'aile gauche, tout en envoyant des messagers prevenir son general.
Helas, dans un roulement de tonnerre, une masse hirsute et puante de meprisables mangeurs de sangliers apparut et sembla instoppable: des Thraces et des Gaulois. Son flanc allait-il tenir? Il chargea des javeliners, tandis que les arbaletriers tentaient d'entamer ces scarabes immondes au feu. Pris par l'action, il en oublit de controler les decisions de son second general.
what a sight! it's so shocking my sight is blurred... |
Wagoon-Li, though initially inspired, stumbled upon a bottle of rice wine, and started to give strange orders, moving his crossbows out of the field, in front of the cavalry, to have a better line of fire... Well, though having some successes, they died in vain... And his infantry was still moving forward, and then charged, and everything was prepared to make a flank attack ton the hoplite line. But would this be enough? In the center, the cavalry was still shooting, but getting bored of only shooting, even though succesfully, since many hoplites had already, they charged...
Wagoon-Li, profitant de l'occasion, se jeta sur une bouteille de vin de riz qu'il avait dissimulee. Rapidement, ses ordres devinrent confus, et il envoya ses arbaletriers en avant, face a la cavalerie, tout en continuant a faire avancer son infanterie. les pauvres tireurs ne resisterent pas longtemps...
Everything was falling apart... Only Yolo-Suta's chariots were doing good, but the despicable, though clever he admitted, general, was sacrificing his units one at a time to slow them down, while he methodically destroyed the Chinese left... That was it. No more left, no more right... Only the chariots and the heavy infantry in the center were doing good... Yolo-Suta had the drummer call for the retreat. He would have to explain the defeat to the emperor.
LA ligne de bataille se desagregeait. Seuls les chariots de Yolo-Suta s'en sortaient bien, mais, bien que meprisable, le general ennemi etait intellingent et n'hesitait pas sacrifier ses unites pour gagner du temps, avant de detruire l'aile gauche de l'armee... C'en etait trop... Yolo-Suta fit battre le tambour. il ordonnait la retraite. Il devrait maintenant expliquer les raisons de la defaite a l'Empereur.
- So, number 1683, you lost the battle and a lot of valuable ressources. What can you say to plead in your favour?
- Sorry number 1, but they were simply too numerous, and though of better quality, our magnificient troops never stood a chance. Besides, my generals acted very strangely. I suspect we might have double agents..
- It is possible. But as you know it, our organization doesn't tolerate failure.
#presses a red button#
Yolo-Suta burns to death thanks to an electrical discharge.