Friday, 22 November 2013

Backtotheminis goes TV!

Ok, maybe not real TV, but I've posted my first video, detailling the paints I used for the British paras. It's now on Youtube, and since it's my first video, all comments are welcome. I'd like to make some more for you, but it's a bit of work. I'd like the experience to be as good as possible. You will also find it on Youtube. And from now on, all my video will be also found on my cookbook page.

PS: I've switched back to the blogger comment system. Less interactive, but more people can comment. Sadly I've lost the comments from Google+ which are not displayed, but hey! Everything to please you!

Voila, j'ai franchi le pas. Ce n'est pas encore la vraie tele, mais je viens de faire une video expliquant ma maniere de faire les paras anglais. Comme c'est ma premiere video, tout commentaire est le bienvenu. Certes elle est en anglais, mais tout y est tranquillement explique.  J'ai apprecie la faire et je me demande si je ne vais pas en faire une autre. Elle est dispo sur Youtube. Par ailleurs, toutes les videos seront egalement referencees sur ma page cookbook.

PS: Je suis egalement revenu au bon vieux systeme de commentaires de Blogger, plus simple et moins contraignant. Bon, le hic est que je perds tous ceux venant de Google+ qui ne sont plus affiches.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

First batch of British paras

5 down, 6 more to finish. Feodalfig had sent me 11 Warlord games British paras to paint. I've finally managed to paint some more, and finish the 5 of them who were wearing a beret. The other 6 wear helmets, and they should be soon finished, hopefully. I took the pictures a bit earlier and the varnish wasn't quite dry. But strangely enough, it is still a bit shiney, although I'm using a matte one. Hmm. All in all, I like them, they were easy enough to paint. But so far, I prefer the Crusader and Foundry minis. Now for the basing ...

5 de faits, plus que 6 a terminer. Feodalfig m'avait envoye 11 Paras anglais de chez Warlord. J'ai enfin reussi a en terminer 5, et les 6 autres ( qui portent un casque) sont en passe d'etre finis egalement. J'ai pris les photos un peu auparavant, et le vernis n'etait pas completement sec. il est toujours encore un peu brillant, alors que j'utilise du mat. Etrange. Les peindre fut satisfaisant. Elles sont agreables et ps trop compliquees, meme si je prefere de loin les Foundry et Crusader. Il me reste encore le soclage a faire...

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

I've tested JUGULA! The next gladiators game

I had promised it , you have it. Tonight's post will be about Studio Tomahawk's forthcoming game, Jugula. Just so you know, the guys from Studio Tomahawk have commited Mousquets and Tomahawks, and Saga. Therefore they have a solid background in novelty about gaming.

Je vous l'avais promis, et je vous satisfais. Le post de ce soir est a propos du jeu a venir de Studio Tomahawk, Jugula. Pour info, est-il besoin de le preciser, ce sont les gars qui ont commis Mousquets et Tomahawks, ainsi que Saga. Bref, du lourd, et du solide question nouveaute dans les systemes de jeu.

Monday, 18 November 2013

All about my Warfare 2013

Tim (madaxeman) and I had agreed for a pick-up on Saturday morning. So, at precisely 7.15AM, I saw him arriving down my street. I was already outside, in the cold, while my family was still comfortably asleep. Anyway. After 45min of driving along the M4, we arrived at Reading to pick Simon and Dave up. We then drove to the Leisure center and went for a little walk to have a nice breakfast at the Gorge ( it was so huge I didn't eat anything before dinner).

Tim (madaxeman) et moi avions convenu d'un covoiturage le samedi matin. A 7h15 petantes, je le vis arriver dans ma rue. Chapeau la ponctualite. J'etais deja dehors, ma petite famille dormant encore. Apres 45min d'autoroute, nous arrivames a Reading pour recuperer Simon and Dave. Puis direction le lieu de la convention pour garer la voiture, et direction le cafe pour un petit dejeuner veritablement pantagruelique.

At 10AM, the doors opened to the public and I went in. When walking down the alleys, I had the impression it was less well attented than last time. As I expected, the demos didn't really catch my eyes, Warfare being mostly a giant supermarket and about tournaments, but still, a good number of them looked interesting, and some really nice:

A 10h, ouverture des portes. Comme je m'y attendais, les demos etaient tres inegales at loin d'etre toutes attirantes, mais certaines m'ont bien plu visuellement. Il faut dire que Warfare est avant tout un supermarche et un lieu pour les tournois. J'ai toutefois eu l'impression qu'il y avait moins de monde. Bon toutes proportions gardees bien sur, car cela nous ferait rever en France.

I talked to people here and there, and finally bought more or less what I wanted: some Peter Pig minis to complete my Longstreet army, and some Biblical Essex for another project. But shhhhh. All in all, a good day. Tomorrow, I'll tell you about Jugula ;)

J'ai passe pas mal de temps a discuter de-ci, de-la, et j'ai trouve en gros ce que je voulais, des Peter Pig pour terminer mon armee Longstreet pas commencee, et des figs Bibliques Essex pour un nouveau projet. Demain, je vous dirai ce que j'ai retenu de Jugula. A +

Sunday, 17 November 2013

A painting challenge - Peckinpah style, and badgers

It's finally that time of the year: Curt is about to launch his now famous painting competition. Last year, my par objective was 1000 points, which I didn't reach, with a total of around 780 points. Therefore this year I'll try to reach first the 800 mark. I have some 28mm to paint, and since Curt has kindly provided some bonus points for particular entries, I might be available to reach them. I've already found what I needed for most of these special entries. Hin hin. Anyway, I now have a lot of prepping to do. Good luck to all the contestants, and may the best win! Tomorrow, everything I did at Warfare, with my loot and some info about Jugula.

L'hiver approche, et Curt va lancer sa fameuse competition de peinture. J'avais reussi avec peine a atteindre les 780 points l'an dernier, alors que mon objectif etait de 100 points. Je vais donc etre plus raisonnable et tenter d'atteindre les 800 cette annee. J'ai du 28mm a peindre, et Curt a opportunement cree des points bonus pour certaines entrees. Ca tombe, j'ai de quoi/ trouve de quoi a acheter, pour obtenir une bonne partie de ces points. Alors bonne chance a tous, sauf un;) Et demain, tout je vous raconterai ce que j'ai fait a Warfare, et je vous dirai tout ce que je sais sur Jugula, et je vous  montrerai ce que j'ai achete.

Oh, and booh to the sandbagging badger in budgie smugglers ;)

Friday, 15 November 2013

Nothing to report. Oh! Warfare is tomorrow

I know I know. Still nothing to show you. Don't despair, I've startd painting once again. Hopefully, if I can plan it well, the British paras will be finished in a week. And then... Most probably some Ancients.

And as for tomorrow, I've finally managed to get an extra day off, just for me! Ok, my mother-in-law is visiting us for a few days, so  I can escape with a free mind. Therefore, I've decided to go to Warfare in Reading. So, stay tuned, I might have some stuff to show you ;) including Studio Tomahawk's future game...

Bon, j'avoue, je reste un gros mauvais, Je n'ai toujours rien a montrer de peint. Mais j'ai repris les pinceaux, j'vous jure. Si tout se passe comme prevu, les paras britanniques seront prets dans une semaine. Et apres, retour a l'antique. En attendant, jai reussi magistralement mon day-off a ma douce et tendre pour pouvoir m'echapper demain. Ok, sa mere nous rend visite pour quelques jours... Du coup, je vais en profiter pour aller a Warfare, a Reading. Je pense donc que j'aurai pas mal de choses a vous montrer, a commencer par des images du nouveau jeu de Studio Tomahawk. Restez a l'ecoute.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Onwards! Time to get back on the saddle

I was right. Even though I had everything prepped for a bit of painting during my holidays, I was too exhausted at the end of the day to do anything. This is what happens when you have an energetic child who doesn't nap anymore. Bah. Now I hope I'll find a bit more time, and I really need it, since a lot of lead has reached my table.

J'avais raison.. Meme si j'avais tout prepare pour faire un peu de peinture durant les vacances, j'etais trop epuise apres mes journees pour faire quoi que ce soit. Voila ce qui arrive quand on a un charmant bambin tres energique et que ne fait plus de sieste. Maintenant que l'ecole a recommence, on va bien voir ce qui se passera. Et il faut que je m'active.