Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Longstreet- 27th New York- The "Union regiment"

My first Longstreet campaign game is approaching, and I need to finish my brigade. Hopefully, it will be done on time. In the mean time, I've finished the second regiment, the 27th New York Infantry regiment, otherwise known as the "Union regiment".

Ma premiere partie pour la campagne Longstreet approche rapidement, et je me dois d'etre pret. J'espere etre dans les temps mais il me faut peindre pour cela. J'ai termine mon second regiment, le 27e New York, aussi appele "regiment de l'Union".

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Choices of the week#4 and painting desk

First of all, thanks everyone for stopping by, reading these weekly posts and liking them. I know I'm not "working" for nothing. This week has been very busy, for me and in the blogosphere, with a lot of interesting posts. Let's hope you'll find them as interesting as I do. And remember: if you know an interesting blog, tell me about it.

Tout d'abord, merci a vous tous de passer par la, de lire ces posts hebdomadaires et de les apprecier. Au moins, je ne fais pas ca inutilement. Cette semaine a ete tes occupee, tant de mon cote que du cote de la blogosphere, avec une veritable floppee de posts interessants. Si jamais vous connaissez un blog de qualite, n'hesitez pas a m'en parler.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Longstreet- 14th Brooklyn

This is the first post about my upcoming project, a Union brigade, to play the long campaign in the Longstreet rules, by Sam Mustafa. I've created my unit from Porter's brigade at First Bull Run, in 1861. Once I'll have the basics done, I'll add more units.

Voici le premier de mes billets consacres a ma brigade pour Longstreet. Mes premieres unites appartenaient a la brigade Porter lors de la bataille de Bull Run. Par la suite, j'ajouterai d'autres elements. Bon, vous me pardonnerez, mais cette fois, j'ai fait un peu long, et uniquement en Anglais.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Choices of week #3

It's that time of the week when I like sharing the links I enjoyed during this past week. But first of all, welcome to Phil. I wanted to post more, including some stuff I had painted for the analogue hobbies challenge (about ACW and biblical) and post a pic of my workbench for Sofie, butI caught the flu, combined with a tonsilitis. That's real life, all right. Fortunately, things should go back to normal very soon.

 Nous voici donc de nouveau pour ma selection des sites posts de la semaine. J'avoue ne pas avoir ete des plus actifs, mais bon, j;ai cumule petite grippe et angine blanche. La LEM quoi. Bon, c'est pas grave, je vais me rattraper la semaine prochaine.Allez, on y va.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Choices of the week 2

Another week has passed, and a lot of you have resumed their usual hobby related activities. And what can I say? My oh my! Many posts have caught my eyes and I'm sure you will find them most interesting. Here we go.

Une autre semaine vient de s'ecouler, et la plupart d'entre a repris le cours de ses activites hobbyesques normales. Et je dois bien avouer que nombreux sont les posts qui ont attire mon regard cette semaine. J'espere que vous les trouverez aussi interessant. C'est parti.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Hauptmann Stransky

Here is my second bonus entry for the painting challenge, a 25mm mini from SHQ representing Hauptmann Stransky from Cross of Iron. We had to paint something related to a villain. Therefore I chose him.

Voici ma seconde entree bonus pour le challenge organise par Curt, une fig 25mm de SHQ representant Hauptmann Stransky, dans Cross of Iron. Il nous fallait peindre quelque chose en rapport avec un "villain". Et je l'ai naturellement choisi.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

More British paras- Warlord games

I had finished painting those British paratroopers just before the Christmas holidays, but didn't have time to flock them. It was done yesterday evening and I can now show them to you. Remember it was a commission job for Feodalfig, as he had won the prize draw. Now I'll be able to send them to him.

J'avais termine ces paras Warlord games juste avant les vacances. Cependant, je n'avais pu les floquer. C'est chose faite depuis hier soir, et je peux donc vous les montrer. Il s'agissait d'une "commande" de la part de Feodalfig. En effet, il avait gagne le droit de se faire peindre quelques figs lors de ma petite loterie. Je vais donc pouvoir lui envoyer.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Choices of the week

A new year is starting, a new idea is slowly coming up. Like many of you, I spend a lot of time browsing the net, reading other blogs, forums... Most of the time, I enjoy what I'm reading, but sometimes, there is just that je ne sais quoi, that makes a post superior to the others, and worth bookmarking. It might be because of a tip, a very well written battle report, or simply a stunning piece of lead, so well painted I'm learning from it.

Une nouvelle annee debute, et de nouvelles idees germent. Comme beaucoup d'entre vous, je passe trop de temps sur le net 9blogs, forum... La plupart du temps, ca me divertit, mais parfois, je tombe sur de vrais trucs originaux, interessants... Bref, un truc qui fait un effet boeuf: belle fig, belle unite, une chouette table. Du coup, j'ai decide, tous les dimanche de faire une petite selection des posts que j'ai vraiment apprecies. Pour ce premier numero, beaucoup de posts etaient consacres aux retrospectives 2013, mais il y avait quelques perles.

Therefore I've decided, each Sunday, to post my selection of interesting posts ( I regularly follow almost 600 blogs). This past week has been mainly about wrap-ups of 2013, but you could still find some originality on the web.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Books books books, and no boobs

The year that was is now finished. And another begins. To be fair with you all, I haven't be as productive as before, nor did I post as much, but I enjoyed reading a lot of your posts, sometimes too much reading, and not enough painting in my opinion, but, c'est la vie. I now have a job since September, and more or less a real place to paint during the evenings.
I haven't painted as much as I wanted during the Christmas holidays, since I had to take care of my little precious. But things should resume shortly. I've already sent my second bonus entry to Curt, a very simple one, but more will follow very soon.

In the mean time, I received some books as presents, and I also indulged myself with a promotion on the Pen and Sword website: 2 ebooks for 1. I chose 6 books, which should keep me busy for a while.

What I received for Christmas

And everything I bought during the promotion

 Finally. A post from Anne made me realize we men might be a bit thick, and to be honest, I do understand her, a lot. So, from now on, no more boobies on any of my posts.