Sunday, 12 January 2014

Choices of the week 2

Another week has passed, and a lot of you have resumed their usual hobby related activities. And what can I say? My oh my! Many posts have caught my eyes and I'm sure you will find them most interesting. Here we go.

Une autre semaine vient de s'ecouler, et la plupart d'entre a repris le cours de ses activites hobbyesques normales. Et je dois bien avouer que nombreux sont les posts qui ont attire mon regard cette semaine. J'espere que vous les trouverez aussi interessant. C'est parti.

This week, I'm able to give you 9 links of quality, though I cheat a bit because some of them are the home adresses, where you can go and see other stuff.

Cette semaine, ce n'est pas moins de 9 liens que je vous propose, tous plus interessants les uns que les autres.

First, our friend Simon, of BigRedBat fame, has started an impressive collection of late Romans. Honestly, it's more than worth the detour. I only post one link but Simon has posted a couple of interesting stuff this week. Don't hesitate, click and read all your heart's content:

Tout d'abord, Simon de BigRedBat a commence une belle collection de Romains tardifs en 28. Je vous invite a y jeter un coup d'oeil:

Now, we jump a few centuries forward, and we end up in the middle of a pirate firefight. Now, the interesting thing is... the game was meant for teens, who are, should I remind you, the future of our hobby:
Et maintenant, un petit bond de quelques siecles, pour lire un CR oriente pirates. L'originalite est dans le public vise: les jeunes :

For a bit of samurai wargaming porn, I give you a splendid showcase of 40mm Steve Barbers. Oh yeah, they're that good:
Un bon coup de porno wargamistique, avec des samurai Steve Barber en 40mm:

Next, some American war of independance for Musket and Tomahawks, from Hobbyone (yes he's French):
Hobbyone nous propose quelques figs pour la guerre d'independance americaine. Quand Fred peint, on se tait et on admire:

Time to go Napoleonics, with three links this time. One is French (no one is perfect) and you'll find a lot of nicely painted painted units for Mustafa's Grande Armee. His newly painted stuff is about generals. Not bad at all my dear Fred:
Un autre Fred celui-la, qui s'est specialise dans l'empire 15mm. Ce qu'il vient de terminer est tout fait remarquable.

And we have a 28mm Austrian battery from the talented Steve. I could almost fall Napoleonics again, you know. Almost:
Puis Steve nous a termine une batterie autrichienne en 28mm. Non je ne craquerai pas!

And finally, a batrep for Sharp Practice by Phyllion, in the Peninsula. Nice table, I like it. I might have a go at SP, someday...( Phyllion?):
Un petit CR en Peninsule, avec Sharp Practice. Faudra que je l'essaye un jour.

Ok. We jump forward a bit more, with two links, and then, it's over, promised.
First of all, a batrep about the Korean war. Too rare not to speak about it. The rules are Rapid Fire:
Enfin, deux liens vers des CR modernes, le premier en Coree avec Rapid Fire, et le second en Europe avec Modern Spearhead. Bonne lecture a tous!

And finally, a batrep using Modern Spearhead, between the US and the Czech during the Cold War, in 6mm. Worth looking at IMHO:

Right. That's all for the week. I hope you enjoyed them, and I'm going back to my brushes. I have some biblical chariots to finish ;)


  1. I haven't posted in almost a month due to the Challenge and various disasters in my real life. I'm just now getting round to reading blogs again.

  2. Merci pour ces liens, deux nouveautés pour ma part...

  3. The table for the spearhead batrep is great - some kind of interlocking foam tiles?

    Thanks for the shout out too. I'd be happy to show you SP Seb, but you know I'm not in London Town anymore?

  4. Hi Seb, I like this series highlighting posts of interest. I happen to follow a few of the blogs already, so I know you are picking good stuff. I also meant to comment that I liked your Stransky.

  5. Thanks Seb! Bloody Romans... ;-)
