Tuesday 14 February 2012

Chariot WIP log - part 2

The sand I glued on the bases is dry, and so I started painting, beginning with the horses. I went with two base colours: one light ( Khemri Brown)and one dark brown ( scorched brown).
LE sable sur les bases a seche, donc je passe a la peinture proprement dite, avec deux bases, une en Khemri Brown l'autre en Scorched Brown.

Then I painted the minis' uniform and the chariots in Chaos Black. And once the paint on the horses was dry, generous wash of Badab Black.
Puis peinture genereuse de noir sur les figs et lesl chariots. Ajoutons ensuite un beau lavis de Badab Black.

After that, here come the highlights on the horses/ Puis les eclaircissements:
- For the light horses: Khemri Brown then Kommando Khaki

- for the Brown horses, well, I did two different shades / deux robes diffentes pour les chevaux:
     - scorched brown and then Dark Flesh
     - scorched Brown and Bestial Brown.

Then the banner poles were painted in Mechrite Red. Les hampes ont recu du Mechrite Red.

That's it for tonight folks


  1. Ca prend une tournure plus que prometteuse...

  2. The horse coulors are really nice and deep, quite a lot done for the one session, will you get them done in time?


  3. "ruh, roh!" hmmmm, my Sarmatians will have to think up a cunning plan to counteract these. I wonder if getting to within 5" so that they impetuously charge will work as well as it did against the Mid Republican Roman legions? ;)

  4. Looking good, looking very good!!!
