Thursday 9 February 2012

Sign up, for the glory of the Emperor!

Brushes hot! Coming through! That's what I could say at the moment. I know I won't be able to catch up with Tamsin, but then, painting this Chinese army is a real pleasure, so today is the second part of my last infantry unit:

Peu de choses a dire, a part, attention! Pinceaux brulants! Je n'ai aucune chance de rattraper Tamsin, mais ce n'est pas grave, car l'essentiel est pour moi de me faire plaisir, et c'est chose faite avec cette armee chinoise que je prends beaucoup de plaisir a peindre.


  1. More good looking figs Seb.

    It's interesting to see how our different approaches to painting stack up. It will also be good to see how the figures compare in real life rather than pixels - I guess we'll be able to do that on Monday when I play a friendly against Jerry and you play your tournament game against Tim.

    1. Seb! You naughty boy! You kept very quiet about having soundly trashed Gordon's classical Indian army on Monday. Tut, tut!

    2. I didn't want to spoil the surprise, because I'm doing an AAR ;)

  2. Nice work; the army is coming along. Best, Dean

  3. It's fun watching this army take shape, not played against a Chinese Army in years.

    looking forward to the AAR's


  4. Une armée en plein essor...puissent les pinceaux brûlants finir cette armée comme ils l'ont commencée, belle et colorée.

  5. Rien ne sert de courir... Continue à nous en mettre plein les yeux ! ;)

  6. Look good not an army I see a lot of!
